Fake Truth

Here’s how it started on Facebook. I posted TikTok of a young man featuring a speech by Farrakhan about the Ashkenazi Jews. Then, this happened on Facebook:

Sun 11:31 AM Gail: I’m disappointed that you preferred to block me rather than hear me out.

You: You are attacking me. I will not stand for it. Period. I made a simple statement. If you have the answer post it. But do not attack me. I am not here to make you feel good about yourself.

Gail: I never attacked you. I attacked the video.

You: Nothing he said is untrue. The Jew-ish people are NOT the original Hebrews, who are in Ethiopia. This lie must not continue. Jew-ish people are Eastern Europeans who have colonized Palestine with the help of the British. If this is not the true history of this region, then what is the truth???

Gail: So, the Jews who were persecuted out of Aleppo, Cairo, and Tehran and are now the majority in Israel don’t exist? My ancestors who were persecuted in Eastern Europe for generations weren’t really Jewish? Follow our Diaspora, please. Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews. I support the work of We Were Not Lost, which is trying to repatriate the Igbo Jews and many others of Africa. This does not mean that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t real.

You: The European Jews demonized and mistreated the true Israelites. This inhumanity against any group must STOP! Most of HIS-STORY is lies and garbage perpetrated by Europeans who need the resources of Africa.

Gail: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/victims-of-the-nazi-era-nazi-racial-ideology

Victims of the Nazi Era: Nazi Racial Ideology

You: France, Britain, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy have destroyed whole African countries for their greedy, needy selves. The truth is out and there’s no going back. We know it in The Americas, the Pacific, and everywhere indigenous people have been tormented by filthy, greedy Europeans.

Gail: Agreed. White Xian colonialism has been deadly for both Black and Jewish people.

You: And Hawaiians, Philippinos, every clan of people in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. How long is this to be tolerated?

Gail: Maybe in our grandchildren’s lifetimes

You: It needs to STOP NOW. Without truth it cannot. People kill people because that is their nature. Period. I have no weapons. I have no desire or need to kill anyone. It is not in my nature.

Gail: https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1040&context=humbiol_preprints


You: https://fb.watch/nHNeetsvO9

Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah El was live.

You: Listen to him. He studies it all. I don’t believe anything a European writes anymore.

Gail: I’m truly unclear why erasing my people, who have been persecuted and decimated by Europeans, is a good thing.

Sun 12:50 PM You: I don’t think it’s a good thing at all. It is not good to erase any group of people. YOUR PEOPLE are just the most vocal. They are not the only people who have been persecuted. That is a myth. For instance, my grandmother was Cherokee. Do you know the story of their annihilation? Do you care? Here’s data on the population of Jews in the world. Why are most in the U.S. and Israel? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-of-the-world

Jewish Population of the World

Sun 1:28 PM Gail: Caring about my people doesn’t mean that I’m unaware or uncaring about the persecution and genocides against other people. How did you jump to that conclusion? And yes, we are vocal when babies are beheaded, old people are taken hostage and kids are gunned down at a music festival.

You: Yes, that is recent. Native Americans are still reeling from this type of activity right here in America. Please stop. I don’t care about any other groups’ torment. I’m still working on finding my own ancestors right here. Go fix Israel, yourself. If the Jews are mostly here, what’s your beef?

Palestine belongs to Palestinians, not Jews. That is so clear to me, why isn’t it clear to you and other Jews? Jews own New York and Hollywood. I guess that’s not enough. Jews marginalized Palestinians in their own land and that’s supposed to be OK? Nope, it is not, and we will not stop being vocal about that. Why didn’t Germany give the Jews a part of Germany or France or Britain or Spain or Italy or Turkey, etc. etc. etc. Nooooooooooooo, they had to carve out land inhabited by Arabs. There are always consequences. But people don’t want to face those. They bit the hand of the Palestinians and now they are reaping what they sowed. That’s the way most of the rest of us see it. Trust me, Euro-Americans are in fear of that happening to them here, too.

‘License To DESTROY IT ALL’? State Dept. Memo Says NO Gaza ‘De-Escalation’ Talk | Roland Martin

Gail: You are too far gone to see that we have a common enemy. You are punching across, rather than up. Have a good life.

You: Here’s another discussion about it. But it’s men of color, so their accounts don’t count, right?

Too far gone to believe the hype anymore. Nothing Europeans have to say resounds with truth.

Gail: You seem to believe that everyone has rights except a specific group that has been demonized and persecuted for centuries. Okay.


Antisemitism: how the origins of history’s oldest hatred still hold sway today

Sun 2:01 PM You:

Learn your history kids

You: I do not agree that any group should be demonized or persecuted. That’s your opinion, not mine.

The first paragraph of your article points to this activity from Europeans. That is all I have been saying. “Antisemitism is on the march. From the far-right demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, with their “Blood and Soil” chants and their “Jews will not replace us” placards to attacks on synagogues in Sweden, arson attacks on kosher restaurants in France and a spike in hate crimes against Jews in the UK. Antisemitism seems to have been given a new lease of life.”

Me: In my opinion, Jewish people are always on the defensive to the detriment of everyone around them. Why is that?

Dear Jewish Friends,

Please do not question me, demonize me, or criminalize me because I do not have the answers to the Jew-Arab conflict. I have never been to Israel, nor have I been to the so-called Middle East, which is really the northeastern tip of the African continent colonized by Europeans. If you know the answers, post them. However, understand that “Though this region is steeped in ancient history of the oldest civilizations, the term Middle East is a relatively new invention, originally conceived in the late nineteenth century by British imperialists to denote an area between the Near East (the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire) and the Far East (countries of eastern Asia such as China, Japan, and Korea).

Of course, the description of areas as ‘near’ or ‘far’ to the east is entirely in reference to Europe and the West. Interestingly, the modern Arabic endonym to describe the region matches the Eurocentric term ‘Middle East’; the term in Arabic is الشرق الاوسط (al-Sharq al-Awsat), which literally means the Middle East. In English, some people also use the term Near East synonymously with Middle East.” [Source]

In response to a text from a Jewish woman with whom I have been associated for several years, I wrote:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

She said: There is only one truth.

I said: And that is . . .

She said: And then fake truth to further the agenda of whoever is rewriting it.

I said: It’s all fake. It’s belief.

This is what she texted to me in the beginning of this conversation:

For those who were not taught history in school. Surely, you have acquaintances and friends who ask questions. You can send them this post 😉

  • Before Israel, there was a British Mandate, not a Palestinian State.
  • Before the British Mandate the Ottoman Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Mamlyuk Islamic State of Egypt, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Islamic State of Mamlyuk of Egypt, the Empire of Ayubid existed, not the Palestinian State. Goffrey IV of Bulonsky, known as Godfrey de Bouillon, conquered Jerusalem in 1099
  • Before the Empire of Ayubid, there existed the French and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Roman Empire, the Hasmonees State existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Hasmoneysk state, it was the Selevkid state, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before the Selevkid Empire, the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Empire of Alexander the Macedonian, there was the Persian Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Persian Empire, the Babylon Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Babylon Empire, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, the Kingdom of Israel existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was a theocracy of the twelve knees of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before theocracy of the twelve generations of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaan cities-state, not the Palestinian state.

In fact, this piece of earth was everything EXCEPT THE PALESTINE STATE.

I reiterate here:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

This is my opinion, my belief, and my truth:

Reminder: NO GOOD GOD WOULD CHOOSE ONE CHILD OVER ANOTHER! All history is myth written by the violent destroyers of others. Only when there is love for one another can there be peace. As long as men need to feel superior over others – men, women, and children, there will be resistance that translates into terrorism. However, the real terrorists are men who impose their ideology on others. Do you understand that???


Do not trust!

People come in all sizes and shapes but nowhere on them is a label that says, “Do not trust!” ~ Dr. JC

I have been defrauded by the handyman who has worked for me and my daughter for two years. He took my money and did not pay the people he brought in to do the work. Please see the attached statement for details.

September 7, 2022

John Hardgraves was working on my tiny house, in Clarendon NC. Someone stole my refrigerator, stovetop, and dishwasher from Lowe’s in Whiteville, on August 1, 2022, three weeks after my back surgery in Wilmington,  NC. John had my Lowe’s credit card that he did not return to me. I gave it to him before I went to Wilmington. There was only $9 on it.

I spent $6,981 on materials and appliances. I reported it stolen and requested a  new card for me and my daughter. Later, the Whiteville Detective discovered that the goods went missing from the Lowe’s warehouse. Lowe’s refunded all of the money on my credit card. Then, I read an article about Target and Lowe’s missing millions of dollars of inventory. So, I presumed that the warehouse manager took the goods.

The new contractor ex-state trooper Richard Capps insisted that I go to Lowe’s and see what they were holding for me. Two of five items showed on hold. Lowe’s records showed that three of five appliances on hold were picked up on August 1, 2022. I was recovering in an Airbnb in Fayetteville. The refrigerator, dishwasher, and stovetop are not in the house, nor the shed located at 194 Ed Ward Road, Clarendon, NC 28432.

The stackable washer and dryer and the shower door were still at Lowe’s. Someone took the refrigerator, dishwasher, and stovetop that added up to $2000, the exact amount of John’s last unpaid invoice. My daughter, Mimi, who hired him in 2020, fired him two weeks after the appliances had been picked up without my permission or knowledge. So, his actions may have been premeditated if he took them.

I made a police report at Lowe’s and waited for the police to report who picked up the refrigerator, stovetop, and dishwasher without my permission. At the end of June, July, and August, I called Lowe’s to ask for an extension of time to hold my five appliances. I received a call back from the manager, at the end of August. He said they could keep the appliances for another month only. We did not discuss the items being held, during this conversation, because I did not know that John Hardgraves has picked three of them up on August 1st, until the new contractor Richard Capps informed me that he went to Lowe’s to see what was being held for me. At Lowe’s, Capps learned that there were only two items not five on hold.

John Hardgraves threatened to file a mechanic’s lien. He had no contract. His work was that of a 12-year-old, according to the new contractor who reworked the electrical panel, water heater, and electrical outlets, and invoiced me $817 for the labor.

They are pulling the store video at Lowe’s. I’m pressing charges because we’ve paid John Hardgraves every dime that he invoiced us for since 2020. He overcharged for removing an old house. Nothing he did was right except mowing the lawn and his old cousin did that.

John Hardgraves invoiced me once for drywall, then another time for sheetrock, which is the same thing. The new contractor and another builder both said the drywall looked like it had been done by a 12-year-old. There is still a lot of drywall work to do to make the job right.

Hardgrave’s cousin Robbie and his son Hoss were supposed to be doing the work. But the last time I was at the house when they were there, Robbie told me that he worked a 10-hour job then came to do this work on my house. John was not paying the people who did the work for him. That’s why his cousin wound up coming to do the work. In addition, John’s nephew Timothy Marlowe was paid to do the plumbing. His quote was for $5,400. I paid him half to get supplies. He never finished the work.

The electrician we hired Anthony Lewis from Fuquay Electric never finished the work we contracted him to do, either. We never paid the final invoice for $338 because he did not come to finish the work. According to him, he did not answer to John who was a handyman telling him where to put the outdoor electrical panel. So, he dropped off the job. We paid John $338 to finish the outlets, but they were never done. Also, I paid for lighting fixtures that he picked up from Lowe’s, but they are nowhere to be found. That charge is on my credit card.

Around the time he took the appliances, we asked John Hardgraves to leave the keys because I thought I lost my set. But I found them hanging on my cooler. He asked us if we were firing him then. We said no because we did not intend to fire him.

So, he went and got my appliances because he had the order number and knew the people in the Lowe’s warehouse. told my daughter that he was a liar. Now, we know he’s a thief, too.

I’m exhausted from this process. I have been taken advantage of by people I paid to do a job for me. They left the house a mess. I paid Richard Capps to clean the house up and pay the electrician to repair and rearrange electrical apparatus in the amount of $1,000.

To date, this project has cost me $60,499.26. I paid John Hardgraves $6,690 from my account and $3,939 on credit cards for a total of $10,629. There is an outstanding invoice for $2,050.

My daughter was referred to John Hardgraves in 2020 by our realtor Kip Nance who sold us 9.5 acres of land without disclosing that at least 6 acres are in a flood zone. The 3.5 acres we put the house and sheds on perked. The rest of the land is in the flood zone. Kip referred only John to us. He did not give a list of professional contractors. John maintained the lawn, after the cornstalks were removed. We trusted John because we had a relationship with him. But he defrauded us in every way.

Dr. Joan Cartwright

Mimi Johnson

Clarendon, NC


Photos of the house before and after the new contractor cleaned up the house.

After the cleanup by the new contractor

The moral of the story is “Do not trust anyone, especially workmen who take your money and promise to do the work but hire incompetent people whom they do not pay. This is a harrowing experience. Check and double-check anyone you hire to work for you. People, today, are desperate, greedy, and deceitful. They have no respect for seniors, women, or anyone they think they can bilk for money.

Needless to say, I am making every effort to resolve this issue. Today, I spoke with a Whiteville Police Department Detective. Last night, I submitted this statement to the Columbus County District Attorney. Now, I need to file a report with Columbus County State Troopers. It’s an ordeal but must be done.

Be safe and DO NOT TRUST anyone!


When will we have enough of white men working steadily to wage war on women, people of color, government, the economy, the environment, ecology, and the planet?

Let’s focus on:

Mississippi voter’s rights and water

Past presidents who abuse their privilege to run the country

Dumbing down of students who cannot read, write, think, or converse

Generational wealth through real estate ownership

A damaging economy that enables cheesy, greedy landlords to raise the rent and cause whole families to become homeless

Eastern wars on their own people

The right for people to live and love how and whom they please

Black people are tired

Black people are so tired.
We can’t go jogging (#AmaudArbery).
We can’t relax in the comfort of our own homes (#BothemSean and #AtatianaJefferson).
We can’t ask for help after being in a car crash (#JonathanFerrell and #RenishaMcBride).
We can’t have a cellphone (#StephonClark).
We can’t leave a party to get to safety (#JordanEdwards).
We can’t play loud music (#JordanDavis).
We can’t sell CD’s (#AltonSterling).
We can’t sleep (#AiyanaJones)
We can’t walk from the corner store (#MikeBrown).
We can’t play cops and robbers (#TamirRice).
We can’t go to church (#Charleston9).
We can’t walk home with Skittles (#TrayvonMartin).
We can’t hold a hair brush while leaving our own bachelor party (#SeanBell).
We can’t party on New Years (#OscarGrant).
We can’t get a normal traffic ticket (#SandraBland).
We can’t lawfully carry a weapon (#PhilandoCastile).
We can’t break down on a public road with car problems (#CoreyJones).
We can’t shop at Walmart (#JohnCrawford).
We can’t have a disabled vehicle (#TerrenceCrutcher).
We can’t read a book in our own car (#KeithScott).
We can’t be a 10-year-old walking with our grandfather (#CliffordGlover).
We can’t decorate for a party (#ClaudeReese).
We can’t ask a cop a question (#RandyEvans).
We can’t cash our check, in peace (#YvonneSmallwood).
We can’t take out our wallet (#AmadouDiallo).
We can’t run (#WalterScott).
We can’t breathe (#EricGarner).
We can’t live (#FreddieGray).
We’re tired.
Tired of making hashtags.
Tired of trying to convince you that our #BlackLivesMatter too.
Tired of dying.
So very tired.
[Taken from a FB post]

Trouble in River City

Update: March 26, 2020

This is a published letter from a doctor in New York named Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, to the Israeli Ministry of Health, who has had 100% success in treating Covid-19 patients with the combination of Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc. He has followed the studies I have shared with you coming from China, Korea, and France. He has added zinc to the mix and his protocol is for 5 days:
1. Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg (1 pill 2x per day)
2. Azithromycin 500 mg (1x per day)
3. Zinc sulfate 220 mg (1x per day)
Zinc stops viral replication. Hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter cells and Azithromycin stops secondary bacterial infections common in viral pneumonia.
Again, for protection against the virus, I highly recommend anti-malaria and antiviral herbs in liquid form such as Neem, Olive Leaf Extract, and Artemisia Annua.
However, if you or a loved one gets admitted to the hospital for Covid-19, please share this letter and the studies I have posted (Chinese and French) so that you will have a tangible treatment path of Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin + Zinc that is working for many other patients.




Update: March 21, 2020

The UNITED STATES, INC. is in liquidation and Chapter 7 bankruptcy and due to settle within ninety days; our terms as the Priority Creditors are clear: (1) our land and all titles and patents related to it, must be returned free and clear of debt or encumbrance, per the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 — we, as individuals, and as a government, have been “found alive” and we are due this recognition by the world and by our erstwhile federal subcontractors; (2) our labor resources which have been illegally and immorally press-ganged since World War II, must likewise be returned to us and to our control; (3) our gold assets which were cashiered in the Philippines by Scottish commercial pirates doing business as “The United States of America” — Incorporated, are ours by right and must be returned for our use and to our control.
President Trump, President Duarte, HRM Elizabeth II, the Pope, and all other Parties and Principals are hereby and prior to this, fully informed that the American States and People are alive and well, are fully competent, and are still represented among the nations of the world by their unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America — all would-be impostors and interlopers notwithstanding.
Friends, please make sure that this “news” is widely published and even more widely understood by those seeking to settle the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC.

Update: March 20, 2020

[To Sharon]
I’ve looked further at Kings County, Washington where Kirkland is located which was ground zero for the virus in the USA. This information further supports an interconnected relationship between this hotspot and 3 others across the globe. Just as Wuhan was a test city for self-driving cars, and had activated 5G just prior to the outbreak there, so was Kirkland !!
Dr. Klinghardt said there were 5G towers everywhere there. Whereas the death rate reported from China is less than 2% (and probably is far less) the lethal rate in Kirkland was quite high with 6 of the first 10 cases dying. Klinghardt says that the health care facility where these patients were either treated or confined at was one of the first in the USA to be fully wired for 5G.
Moscow, Russia has a very large percentage of the cases reported in that country. Even though they lag behind the USA in 5G rollout, it seems very likely that 5G was implemented in Moscow.
My contact in Northern Italy sent me an article from December 2019, outlining the rollout of 5G in the cities which soon became the hotspots of CV for that country as well. She also tells me that many elderly took flu shots there in 2019 and there were reports of meningitis, so many elderly also took ANOTHER vaccination for meningitis in that region.
Now, Doctor Klinghardt goes on to say that if someone takes 2,000 milligrams of Vitamin C daily their body soon reaches a level that is as good as the intravenous Vitamin C treatments successfully being used in some hospitals in China. He further says they used an herb against the SARS epidemic of over a decade ago which was very useful. I had not heard of it before, but it’s called Andrographis and is available from a European company called Ki Science (in 3 anti-viral products) as well as a few other sources. He said if he had the money for only one thing, he would go first with the Andrographis and secondly the Vitamin C. He also uses a spray of HOCl (Hydrochloros ??), but I’m going to use Tea Tree Oil drops in water since this virus lasts on surfaces for days, which is longer than any virus in history. (Klinghardt spray on house doorknobs when he returns from public outings).
Here is some further info from Kings County, WA, USA — Public Health is reporting the official case count in King County as 693. In addition, 4 new deaths are reported, bringing the total of confirmed deaths in King County to 60. COVID-19 is spreading in King County. Public Health expects the case count to double every 5 to 7 days.

Posted on Facebook: Here is some apparent inside info you won’t hear on the news:

This morning, at 4:30AM, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the US for corporate & financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to historically brainwash everyone that PM has Corona Virus with his wife and that they won’t be leaving their house for a while.

Tom Hanks was arrested 48hrs ago for Pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a Hotel room in Australia refusing to fly back to the USA. Next celebrity arrests will be Celion Dion, Madonna, Charley Barkley, Kevin Spacey – all will claim Coronavirus infections.

Italy’s airports have been completely shut down as over 80 of the Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse.

The United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family & affiliates.

Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Instead of 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange, he provided testimonies against some of the biggest & most powerful names including Prince Andrew of UK, former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGenerous, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds of more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein. In exchange for Jeffrey Epstein’s testimony, he was allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked.

CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested and some forced to resign all in the last 30-60 days, such as CEO of NBA, Harley Davidson, Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, Vatican Chief of Police, Disney..etc Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months.

Lab-created Corona Virus is a cover-up for mass mandatory vaccination agenda, as well a covert US Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen and this mass 158,000 arrest operation will remove & capture the biggest evil & corrupted politicians, celebrities and CEOs including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, UN officials, founders of GRETA INC.

Trump will win the 2020 elections and arrests of former US presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be covered by media as an accident or conspiracy theory. All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death” meaning choice between suicide/accidental death in return for assurances that his/her reputation will remain intact, or face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace.

Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, some will get “Sick” suddenly. The Vatican will be the first and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed and Hollywood and the Vatican will be directly responsible for it.

Coming up there will be a 2-month complete shut down of the worlds most common operations such as schools, stock exchange, some Banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, ship cruises including food shortage and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, Gold/silver stocks will fall, many corporations will either bankrupt or take a significant financial loss such as what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney and Coca Cola. H5N1 bird flu will be intentionally released this week out of China.

Welcome to the greater awakening. Global reset. NWO.


The Words We Speak

Critical listening and critical thinking are the key aspects of effective communication. That entails listening and thinking on a deeper level. Most people are thinking about what their response will be when engaged in a discussion, rather than focusing on what the speaker is saying.

talking thinkingEffective communication requires the listener to hear what the other person is saying before they respond. Interrupting the speaker cuts off the flow of thought. Therefore, people should avoid interrupting the speaker. The height of respect is to acknowledge the speaker, hear what the speaker is conveying, and then respond, once the speaker has concluded.

The hardest part of communication is to remain non-judgemental of the speaker and to acknowledge that there may be more than one perspective on a subject or issue. Few people are willing to accept the viewpoints of others without an argument. Although debating an issue is healthy, arguing from a specific viewpoint may not yield a healthy result. Words start wars. But most people use words unwisely, without thinking about the damage words can do. This is evident in relationships between couples, parents and children, friends and associates, and co-workers.


In today’s political arena, it is clear that people are not cognizant of the damage their words do in their communities and in the world. People are not taught about the power of words. They should learn to use them frugally, ethically, and for the highest good.

When our country’s leadership cares less about lying about their policies, actions, and private endeavors, we the people are in deep trouble because “Follow the leader” is in effect and young people pick up the bad habits of those in charge. This is evident not only in politics but in religion, education, and economics.

Lying is cheating at its lowest level. When young people learn that those in high places get away with cheating, stealing, and lying, they follow suit and the fabric of society suffers. Good people speaking well is a goal that more of us should aspire to.

Midterm Election Wrap-Up

White-WomenContemplate this: What the midterm election showed was:

  1. A large group of eligible voters is uninformed about the importance of their right to vote.
  2. There is a criminal faction among Republicans to disenfranchise voters who may vote Democratic.
  3. White people love white privilege and will do anything to keep it.
  4. Hispanic people do not understand that they are not considered to be white.
  5. We must find a way to wrench the power out of the hands of the White Supremacist Patriarchy that is heavily supported by white women who benefit in ways that people of color will never know or understand.
  6. Only white women can end racism.

Why Did 53 Percent of White Women Voters Go for Donald Trump?

To understand the “white woman story,” we must first acknowledge that white supremacy remains the prevailing force in electoral politics. 

These elections were not aberrations; white women have voted Republican for the better part of the last three decades. Women of color, black women especially, are responsible for the so-called gender gap in electoral politics and form the core of the progressive base.

Some white women face voting pressure from their more-conservative husbands, a dynamic Hillary Clinton acknowledged in her analysis of her 2016 election loss. 
Investments in mobilizing newly activated white women must be the frosting atop a cake of much deeper investment in year-round organizing in communities of color – those best poised to lead and drive real progressive change.

[The Reasons Why White Women Vote Republican—and What to Do About It]

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Richmond, VA

Responses on FACEBOOK

Enock Mubarak wrote:

Unfortunately, many black people can’t see the forest for the trees because this midterm election is a win for black America because when black people took the house of representatives, we went from being on the menu to [having] a seat at the table.

On November 5, black people were sitting strapped down in the electric chair with the hood over [their] heads, waiting for November 6, when white America would pull the switch to literally legislate black people back into 1856 chattel slavery in real time. But,  once black people took the house of representatives, then, reprieve, good news, the electric chair blew a fuse.

For our victory, instead of talking about black people like we are not in the room, Trump [said] he regrets his heavy tone and will work on taking the bass out of his voice when talking to or about us.

In a war, there are battles. We have not won the war but we won this battle and, in victory, we won breathing room and a 2-year window to re-organize, re-construct, re-formulate, refortify, rejuvenate, regroup and rebuild without being under constant political gunfire from the other side. So, don’t waste it.

Then there is this . . . Who are the 8% of Black men and 18% of Black women that voted RED? Why did they vote that way? Do 46% of Latino men think they are white men? Do 38% of Latino women think they are white? Is any of this relevant?

votes by gender 2018

Other Victories – Takeover of House by Women Democratic Candidates


Midterm Election Wrap-Up

A Day of Awareness


By Dinizulu Gene Tinnie

It is a fair guess that most Americans consider slavery to be a thing of the past, officially ended in the US in 1865, although more thoughtful minds among us are keenly aware that “the peculiar institution” of slavery, which defined most of this country’s history, lives on today in many forms, such as the prison system, sharecropping, migrant labor camps, under the cover of the foster care system, and among the millions of workers who are not paid a living wage. 

And perhaps most Americans are vaguely aware of global worker exploitation to produce everything from raw materials and components for our most sophisticated technological gadgets to the cheapest novelties and trinkets possible, but few dare call this system of production by its truthful name of slavery.

It may also be easily forgotten that slavery, as we will recall from the history of the Middle Passage which forcibly brought millions of Africans across the ocean, also includes human trafficking, and the brutal, exploitative practices of that barbaric business, such as extortion of the wages of the survivors who find illegal employment in wealthy nations, not to mention those, often children, sold into sex trafficking.

A Day of Awareness

It is with such concerns in mind that the United Nations, has designated December 2 (a date known in American history as the anniversary of the 1859 hanging of Abolitionist John Brown) as an International Day of awareness to call global attention to the pervasive crimes of slavery in our time.

According to the UN, “The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, marks the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (resolution 317[IV] of 2 December 1949).”

The UN further explains:

Slavery is not merely a historical relic. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of modern slavery. Although modern slavery is not defined in law, it is used as an umbrella term covering practices such as forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage, and human trafficking. Essentially, it refers to situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception, and/or abuse of power.

In addition, more than 150 million children are subject to child labour, accounting for almost one in ten children around the world.

Facts and figures:

• An estimated 40.3 million people are in modern slavery, including 24.9 in forced labour and 15.4 million in forced marriages.

• There are 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the world.

• 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery are children.

• Out of the 24.9 million people trapped in forced labour, 16 million people are exploited in the private sector such as domestic work, construction or agriculture; 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation, and 4 million people in forced labour imposed by state authorities.

• Women and girls are disproportionately affected by forced labour, accounting for 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry, and 58% in other sectors.

(Further information from the UN is available at these links:

On the Homefront

While the International Day is welcomed for calling attention to the many forms and magnitude of modern slavery, it is even more important as an occasion for awareness of actions and solutions, as those who are victimized, directly or indirectly, find ways to address the problem.

For example, in a timely fashion, the regular “Building Bridges” program on independent nonprofit New York radio station WBAI-FM, shares this notice via the Internet:

Farmworker women launch their “Harvest Without Violence” campaign to end sexual violence in Wendy’s fast food supply chain featuring The Coalition of Immokalee [Florida] Workers

Now, amidst the stories that are surfacing about sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape against women, too often low-wage woman workers have been subjected to sexual violence against their person in their workplace, but their voices have oftentimes been eclipsed.  And, we barely think about the workers who are responsible for the bounty of food on our tables. 

So, “Building Bridges” is off to join the formidable farmworker women leaders of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (“CIW”) for a major “Harvest without Violence” march.  The CIW Women’s Group traveled to the Big Apple to demand a meeting with Wendy’s Board Chairman and major shareholder Nelson Peltz to share their powerful stories and demand Wendy’s do its part to end sexual violence in the fields. Join the farmworkers in their Boycott Wendy’s march through Midtown Manhattan to Trian Partners, the multi-billion dollar asset management firm founded by Nelson Peltz, the non-executive chairman of The Wendy’s Company, based in New York.  Declare that farmworker women should not have to surrender their dignity for the right to put food on their families’ tables!


Year-Round Awareness, Action, and Support

This single example, like the single day dedicated to the Abolition of modern Slavery, serves as a reminder of how many similar situations exist and how many more days of the year there are which demand awareness and resolve by thoughtful citizens everywhere to abolish all forms of modern slavery and ensure social justice, as articulated in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In America, these concerns become increasingly timely as traditional jobs are increasingly lost to automation or shipped overseas, real wages remain flat while living costs increase, graduates enter limited job markets burdened with student loan debt, and the great divide between the wealthiest few and the vast majority continues to widen, aided and abetted by complicit political leadership, all of which threaten us with new, much broader forms of actual slavery by other names.

The Myth of White Ownership

Herein is a discussion with my good friend Dinizulu Gene Tinnie on the validity of the claims of Her Highness Divine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw (1927-2014), the late reigning empress of the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Empire and leader of the Emperial Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Nation. SHE WAS THE LEGAL HEIR to the Maison Rouge land grant that was skillfully willed to her great-great-great-grandfather Henry Turner, son of the Marquis de Maison Rougethe child of French Nobility was rescued by Baron Philip de Bastrop at the beginning of the unrest culmination with the French Revolution.


Her Highness Divine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw


Washitaw Land


Dear Gene,

Have you heard about this? Washitaw Nation Comes Under Investigation
Dear JC,
So, whatever happened to objective reporting?  (I have always had a kind of mixed respect for the SLPC, for its fine work on the on hand, but with what has always struck me as a self-aggrandizing motive.  They have established themselves as a recognized force identifying, monitoring,and exposing hate groups and actions.  It seems that the strength of their work, and the respect it has earned, has been rooted in their scientific, objective, and unbiased presentation of the data they have collected, or at least so it seemed from what encounters I have had with their work over the years.  The openly snide and lurid tone of this report is a definite departure from that perception.)  By American law, regardless of how much or how little respect for it that even the defendants caught up in its snares may have, still declares all defendants to be innocent until actually proven guilty “beyond the shadow of a doubt” in a court of law, and therefore need to be respected as such in public discourse (such as journalism), not least in order to protect potential jurors from allegations of having prejudicial views fueled by negative news reporting, like this.
That said, I only have the most casual and passing knowledge of the Washitaw nation, and have heard of the Empress and come across some of her pronouncements and political positions, only enough to know that she and her organization are linked to the Moorish Science Temple, founded by Noble Drew Ali, whole members have “-El” appended to their surnames.  (It, like the Nation if Islam, the Coptic Church, and other such organizations originated in the Garvey movement.)  I have had interesting conversations with some of the more doctrinaire members who actually contend that we (Africans/Moors) have been in these lands since before the continents separated, and who deny that the Middle Passage ever existed, as if millions of Black people, having been through what we have endured, could be duped by a hoax of such proportions, but I still consider myself as one who has more to learn than to question.)
I will share this with folks who definitely do have more knowledge of the Washitaw Nation (and other such organizations) who I am sure can shed some light on these proceedings.
I look forward to learning and sharing more of what I can find out.
Best all ways,

I appreciate your observation of the slanted journalism here. The snide remarks of this reporter are in line with the malaise of so many white people who believe that all people of color of full of criminal tendencies, which, in fact, is mere projection in the Freudian sense of their own criminal minds that caused them to commit genocide all over this planet.
I spoke with an old friend Denise Wilson-El this week who spent lots of time with the Empress even traveling with her to the UN Conference on Indigenous Peoples in Geneva, Switzerland. She has fond memories of the Empress but regretted that documents proving the origin of the Muurs, here in this land were not copied and circulated before government renegades ramshacked the Empress’ home and destroyed the evidence.
The term “The devil never sleeps” certainly applies here. These white devils know the truth and are bent on our people never awakening to it. However, truth is the only constant and all is coming to light.
I will await the response of some of your colleagues.
Yours in the struggle
Mamayah El Molina Bey
aka Joan Cartwright

One of the folks I reached out to, wouldn’t you know, is Denise Wilson-El’s son, Guy Forchion, who is the executive director of the Virginia Key Beach Park Trust, asking him if his Mom might have some insights on this state of affairs as described in the article.  The other is Jeanette Stephens-El, aka Raining Deer, who, by the way, has a new book out called “On Eagles’ Wings: Prayers for the President” (whomever [s]he might be, going forward), and is looking for venues in which to present it in SoFla (or SoFlo in ASALH newspeak) before the election, so all ideas and insights are welcome. 

Thank you for reminding me about the UN Conference on Indigenous Peoples.  That is not where I last heard news of the Empress, but I believe she was at another event, possibly the webcast following the unveiling of “The Ark of Return” Permanent Memorial to the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade on the UN Headquarters Visitors Plaza last year.

As you know, one (of many!) of the disturbing phenomena in this land of (selective) opportunity, where the questionable bourgeois-driven concept of “ragged individualism” has taken root, is that “people without a place” (or who at least perceive themselves as being without a place on earth) find fertile ground here to take ownership, a la Columbus, of anything they think they can claim and control access to.  This is often land, of course, but also any necessary goods and services, which they make available at a price (which they set, of course), holding the needy hostage, and, of late, this tendency has spread to include “intellectual properties” (including such absurd madness as Monsanto claiming exclusive patents of GMO agricultural products with which they hope to replace the natural food supply), and even, to get to the point of where all this is leading, rightful and worthy political causes, particularly those which are not already “taken.”  Thus we find self-appointed authorities on “Indian Tribes” and their history, and even more ignobly, supposed non-profit “Foundations” trading quite profitably in “Indian Artifacts” that supposedly benefit the Tribes, but a reading of the fine print reveals that Indian Poverty is big business, and therefore needs to be kept going.

Such, it has long been my suspicion, is the Southern Law & Poverty Center, which focuses supposedly on much of the injustice that is visited upon the African American community and on identifying, cataloguing, and monitoring “hate groups,” but not without an agenda of carving out a market niche in the oppression business for themselves.  Moreover, in the spirit of non-hateful, non-pathological paranoia — by which generations of Ancestors wisely survived to give life to us and our progeny — it is not difficult to read into that organization, at least on the part of some elements within it, an agenda to use African Americans as a front for seeking out and identifying anti-Jewish, or anti-other-ethnic hate groups.

America was built from its foundations on “slick,” questionable, and outright criminal business practices (and we have a Constitution written to protect them), so, as you point out, there is much Freudian psychosis and collective guilt in the land, accounting for the ever-so-self righteous posturing of the most criminal minds in seeking to “root out crime.”  Specifically, as Malcolm X, as sharp and astute observer of the society which brought so much havoc to his own family as there ever was, once stated, “White people are artful at making the criminal look like the victim and the victim look like the criminal.”  I mean, we are in a country in which for most of its history, holding “slaves” — imprisoned forced laborers who could be violated and exploited at will and denied all human rights with impunity — was NOT considered a crime, whereas escaping from such pathological barbarity WAS a crime, punished in the most barbaric ways, as would be any act of being free and brave long after slavery had supposedly ended.

White supremacy equates equality with oppression.  What is the whole point of being white if all you are going to have is the same rights and opportunities as everyone else, if there are no exclusive neighborhoods, job opportunities, healthcare, etc.  The late brilliant South African author Jordan K. Ngubane (whose novel, modeled on the traditional Zulu umlando, or epic format, entitled “Ushaaba: The Hurtle to Blood River” is a most enlightened work) very incisively dissected the Apartheid system and its motivations, and the radical distinctions between White and Black concepts of law and value systems,  In the latter case, he wisely observed that for the invasive White settlers — people without a place — a thing had value because they possessed it ant other people did not.  It mattered not whether there was the intrinsic or natural value attached to whatever it was, only that exclusivity was established, usually by inflating the price and controlling the distribution of money. 

So how does such a society, particularly when slavery was being openly upheld and enforced as a legal institution, view something like Maroon communities, daring to survive without either being dependent on or giving profit to the parasite class?  Of course that class would see this as nothing less than a “threat to national security,” as would be any uncontrolled or uncontained Native American presence.  Should these Maroons go so far as to not only survive but to acquire some of the things (the parasites only live in a world of things – to have, to do, to be – which reduces everything to commodities) that are supposedly exclusively reserved for themselves, then insane mode is switched on, and literally anything goes, as we would see in Tulsa and Rosewood.

This is what I am reading in the snide sarcasm and cheap shots that this article about the Washitaw Nation by the SLPC has produced (in such stark contradiction to its prominent logo of balanced scales. Supposedly of justice).  The resentment is palpable, responsibility is cast to the wind, and the pretense of law becomes nothing more than a propaganda weapon against a group of people who have escaped outside control and ownership.

All of the above, of course, just forms Chapter 26,473 of the indictment against the invaders, which can barely keep up with the continuous production of evidence.  But that is all “their problem.”  Our issue is of another nature and importance.  We do not like to hear things like “No crime is ever committed without some participation on the part of the victim,” any more than we want to hear that in an auto accident where one driver is clearly at fault that the other had some degree of voluntary participation, perhaps by not being sufficiently observant and defensive, perhaps even by being in the wrong place for the wrong reasons.  That kind of stuff gets too abstract and philosophical and messes up our feelings of righteousness and lets our guilty-as-sin adversaries off the hook a bit, and we don’t need to hear that.

Yet, we, and especially those who comprise the Global Elite of Descendants of Middle Passage Survivors, like the Descendants of Trail of Tears and Genocide Survivors – those whom “History has forced, obligated, challenged, and blessed to be Truth knowers, Truth keepers, and Truth tellers,” are nobody and nothing if we are not a people who is committed to “keepin’ it real” even when everybody all around us is going nuts, and calling that a normal state, questioning our right to be alive.  We, who are formed of an intelligence honed and refined and polished and kept alive and vibrant over countless millennia of serious village palavers beneath the sacred iroko tree, during which self-determination was not even a word or a term because there was no alternative to it, we who have the responsibility to honor all those Ancestors and all those generations Yet Unborn who are alive within us, depending on our every action to make the world right for them, we may “Wear the Mask” and do much of what it takes to survive, but we have to be responsible and accountable.

We cannot, as we negotiate the delicate path from where we are to where we need to be through a yard full of rabid dogs, cannot relax our guard, cannot consider any one(s) of us to be disposable, cannot make silly compromises with demonic forces.  We have to be very astute and wise in what we, as Maroons, in hostile territory, with limited resources, do to maintain our freedom and sanity.

It is on THOSE standards that we have to weigh the actual decisions and actions taken by the leadership and the body of the Washitaw Nation.  We have inherited wisdom.  We have divination systems and proven ways to seek and receive Ancestral Guidance.  We have to evaluate the validity of strategies, the costs vs. the benefits, the reasons why we do the things we do, because we have always known to focus on the actions, not the persons (“Hate the deed, not the doer.”  “You don’t have to be a horrible person to do horrible things,” etc.) 

This is less about judging the allegations being made against the Washitaw Nation regarding past actions than about formulating a strategy for dealing with those allegations that serves our future – the future of ALL of us. For this reason, this case will bear close watching and a strong infusion of knowledge (light rather than heat) for us to fully be responsible players in the fate of our people going forward.