
Angels Of Light

Today, I am more appreciative of my own life, the lives of my children and their children. However, the pain of others is vast and I AM now sending Light and Love to all of those who live a life without joy. May their hearts be opened to peace and comfort.

Yesterday, a 20-year-old white boy in Newtown, Connecticut slaughtered 26 people, including 18 children and the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, and himself.  Last night, I found it hard to fall asleep, thinking that my grandchild is the same age as some of those murdered. It all started, when Adam Lanza shot and killed his mother, Nancy Lanza with her own guns.

My dilemma is that Wolf Blitzer on CNN said “This is the worst massacre in the history of America.”  Huh?  Does he have convenient amnesia?

I’m struggling with one thing. America was built by people who slaughtered thousands of Native Americans (with guns and gun powder that Marco Polo “discovered” in China). The Trail of Tears resulted in the death of 6,000 Cherokee out of 15,000 that were walked from Tennessee to Oklahoma. Now, the Oklahoma bombing in 1995 killed 168 people. Columbine massacre in 1999 killed 15 people. Four people dead in the Oregon mall shooting on December 13, 2012.

What do all of these events have in common? Young, white men considered to be “warm, loving?” by their family and neighbors???

Is there sleeper cell activity going on here?

The minds of society are NOT just now degenerating. This country was founded by degenerates whose blood flows down to this generation of murders with no consciousness.

Is this retribution for the sins of the fathers? Read this article.

Why this matters to me.

My great grandfather was Cherokee and, somehow, got the name Savage Logan.  My grandmother, H. Maude Logan left property in Asheville, NC, to my mother Charlotte Galloway.

The “Indian Problem”

White Americans, particularly those who lived on the western frontier, often feared and resented the Native Americans they encountered: To them, American Indians seemed to be an unfamiliar, alien people who occupied land that white settlers wanted (and believed they deserved). [Source]

The Trail of Tears

The Indian-removal process continued. In 1836, the federal government drove the Creeks from their land for the last time: 3,500 of the 15,000 Creeks who set out for Oklahoma did not survive the trip. [Source]

See this List of Massacres

Human beings kill each other at alarming rates over ethnicity, religion, land, money, competitiveness, power, fear, or a lover.  The question is, if we are higher than angels and the beasts of the Earth, why can’t we stop the killing?

I call on My Mighty I AM Presence, all the Ascended Masters, guardian angels, and any and all Lightworkers in and around the Earth to STOP THE KILLING, now!!!

Diva JC