Fighting Economic Disparity

This message was in my email, today. It outlines some solutions to the economic disparity experienced by people of color in the USA, during the pandemic.
Dear All People’s Day friends,
Wednesday night Elliott and I were on an NAACP call that included Nancy Pelosi and other congressional officials who are trying to help in this time of need.  We learned that people of color are the largest group impacted by the Coronavirus.  Many are the most exposed because their jobs are considered essential and they won’t get paid if they don’t go to work.  Jim Crow laws hadn’t allowed them to save funds for a rainy day and stay home plus many people of color have compromised health issues because of prejudice against them in the health system.  I have heard many stories about this neglect throughout the years but no one has amassed scientific data.  Thus, people of color have the highest death rate from the Coronavirus in the US.
In the spirit of All People’s Day inclusion, here is a way you can help them and everyone in this time of need.
  • Call Governor Ron DeSantis 1(850) 717-9337
  • Senator Marco Rubio (561) 775-3360
  • Senator Rick Scott (202) 224-5274
  • Congresswoman Lois Frankel (561) 998-9045
Ask them to support the following issues:
  1. Expand Medicaid throughout the country
  2. Since people of color have the highest death rate keep track of racial demographics about people with the virus so zip codes can pinpoint testing sites.  Also, make public transportation to the sites available.
  3. Increase the amount of Food Stamps.
  4. In the next cash infusion: a) Include small businesses owned by people of color that have not been able to get the stimulus loans because they cannot afford to use a bank that requires a certain balance. b) Other institutions like Credit Unions should be approved for distributing the money. c) 501c3 nonprofits and churches should be treated like small businesses for the loans. If 75% is given to workers the business loans are forgiven.
  5. Vote by mail for all states due to the Coronavirus
Susan Berkowitz-Schwartz
Founder / President of All People’s Day, Inc
(561) 495-9818 (being updated)
Instagram: all_peoples_day