Women’s History Month

Today is the 5th day of Women’s History Month but Herstory is what will be told.


In email, I received an invitation to participate in a survey about sex, contraception, or abortion: www.academia.edu/s/4480eccbbc parentsof4

This was my response: Young Family Having Fun In Park

The first thought that came to my mind is the lyric from Cole Porter

Birds do it

Bees do it

Even educated fleas do it

Let’s do it

Let’s fall in love

Next, I thought, are we over-intellectualizing the procreation of the human race?top_for_parents

Then, I thought, how many girls have been pregnant before the “legal” age set by society not really very long ago. And I conclude, people fall in love, have sex, and boom, there’s another person.


What the real question is: Can every couple afford to make a baby in a society that classes human beings on a scale of from rich to poor?

This nauseated me in that even I qualify other people on what they look like, do, and have. The fact is girls will fall in love with boys until “Kingdom Come”, whatever that insinuates. How they control their progeny is the focus of another study that may produce solutions besides blocking the sperm, ending the existence of the fetus, or abstaining from sex, until one is ready and able to support the person(s) that issue from the urge to cohabit with another human-producing person.

And then, the whole issue of men loving men and women loving women, without the issue of procreation. The outliers in this group have another story to tell. So many ways to look at love. ~ DJC