Why old people die

These are some of the reasons why old people die. If you have others, leave them in the comments.

  • They live next door to young people with boom boxes that wreck their nerves.
  • They live with a younger woman, a hot mama, who freezes them to death with air conditioning.
  • They can see their irrelevance in the eyes of young people.
  • They can’t get to the casino anymore.
  • They forgot how to laugh.
  • They can’t hear their favorite music anymore.

Music is a gift

We should leave social media out of music. ~ Babyface

Music is a gift to the musician and to the audience.

Music is magical.

Music is medicine.

Music is mind-bending.

Music is more than entertainment.

Salute the Ancestors

The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Our Ancestors

We see a world where we all understand the immense difference between our lifetime and our existence; where we know that we live in eternity, and that when we leave our bodies, we persist nonetheless.

Accordingly, we envision a world where all peoples everywhere are consulting those who have been here before us; where the dimensional barriers have been breached, the limited mindsets transmuted and transformed to where we are all able to communicate with our loved ones who are out-of-body, and where this is a common, everyday occurrence.

And we see a world where the legacy that our ancestors left us is honored, where we acknowledge the good works they did in preparing this world for our arrival, and where the love they felt as they made things ready for us is felt as strong today as it was felt back then when they walked the land.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision by double-clicking the link below.

I Align with this Vision!

People better wake up!

Bob Woodward: “People better wake up to what’s going on” in the Oval Office


People in this country better WAKE UP, period.

  • What is going on in their homes – their children are becoming drones.
  • What is happening in their workplace – top execs are cleaning up, while they starve.
  • What is going on in the doctors’ offices – people are dying from Big Pharma bribing doctors to give them prescription drugs.
  • What is happening with utilities – water is poison, G5 is set to fry their brains.
  • What is going on in their cities – infrastructure is caving in.
  • What is going on in their schools – children and college students cannot read and write.
  • What is going on on this planet – fires, melting ice, floods, etc., etc., etc.
  • The White House is only the commode, where all of this is being flushed down the drain!

“American men and women [must] resume their rightful stature as the masters and mistresses of their own lives and fortunes, just as was intended by the founders of this great country” (http://losthorizons.com).

Achieving that end involves

  1. Gaining an accurate understanding of our legal, economic, and political structure as designed and implemented in our fundamental law
  2. Learning how that structure has come to be widely misunderstood by the American people, generally,
  3. Learning how that general misunderstanding is broadly and deeply exploited by private interests
  4. Standing up and insisting that the law be administered and upheld as written.

It’s that simple! (http://losthorizons.com)


Trump Blues

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

When your lawyer and your manager

Both get pinned on eight counts each

You can bet your bottom dollar

That you’re next, not out of reach

The blue wave is upon you

And Mueller’s just off-stage

So, nothing could save you

Not stupidity nor your rage

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

Fake news will tell the story

Of you and all your glory

Your money won’t mean nothin’

In a cell with your new husband.

Now, Putin might get jealous

And send some of his fellas

But that won’t mean a thing

When your buddies start to sing.

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

Now, all those little babies

That you stole from Mexico

Will be the ones to judge you

At the courthouse of your trial.

All the generals and the soldiers

Know you don’t deserve a parade

‘Cause you’re a 5-time draft dodger

Your M.O. has been made.

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

Your mouth is like a toilet

Spitting insults all around

But Manafort and Cohen

Are about to bring you down

Who knew a gallant sistah

From a Youngstown housing project

Would be the one to fix ya

Put the noose around your neck

Omarosa got the goods on ya

With the N-word and such

You had no idea she was on your case

Cause you were out of touch

She might have been a low-life

She might have been a dog

But she got you in the gizzard

Like a bullfrog on a log

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

You tweeted at midnight

And early in the morn

Your BS was your downfall

Since the day you were born

You tweeted about a witch hunt

And said it was a shame

But they caught five wizards

Calling out your name

Cohen, Flynn, Papadopoulos

Manafort and Gates

Were all your main men

And you’re next, just you wait!

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

Kellyanne and Sarah Huckabee

Can defend you all day long

But your lies are gonna get you

Cause we all know you were wrong

Wrong to defend the Nazis

White supremacists and the like

Wrong to kidnap babies

From their mothers out of sight

Wrong to call war heroes

Only victims of their fall

Wrong to call newscasters

Enemies of us all

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.

Now, yo’ mama and yo’ sister

And yo’ daughters and your wives

Sure could not like you grabbin’ pussies

And disrupting women’s lives

You’re a bully and a despot

Who cares less about us folks

That’s why we wrote these Trump blues

Cause you’re actions are no joke.

Collude, Collude, Collude

Be rude, be rude, be rude

Collusion is such confusion

But conspiracy is clear as day.


©2018 Joan Cartwright and Sandra Kaye


To Vote or Not to Vote?

The Candidates
Hillary Clinton (D)              Donald Trump (R)               Jill Stein (G)
On October 20, 2016, a colleague’s column declared the following statement:





For me, it is still bothersome that during Obama’s entire 2007-08 candidacy for President, there were few public occasions in which he did not exhort the American people to take control of our vaunted democratic processes. Over and over, Obama said, “organization is from the bottom up not the top down,” and “yes we can.”

The Brother laid a simple revolutionary concept out there that could change America, and the ultra shame of it is that, of all people, African Americans slept on it. People came as a hoard to Obama’s January 2009 inauguration. It was freezing. The millions praised him and celebrated, many cried as the event’s enormity hit home. And after the festivities, most people went home and did nothing.

Obama’s 2007-08 clarity was phenomenal. What kind of power would we now have, had we organized our neighborhoods, forged coalitions and mobilized? “Organization is from the bottom up not the top down,” and “yes we can.” In 2011, young white professionals, intellectuals and college students organized the Occupy Wall Street movement to “protest corporate influence on democracy.” The protests also called for legal action against those that brought about the 2008-09 economic crisis.

It is up to the American people to make democracy work. We must hurry before a great internal armed force is established throughout the nation with an appendage Gestapo-like secret police. The now Donald Trump led American right wing, like a fleet of submarines, has surfaced all over America. What some thought was mainly a deep southern socio-political will now see that it permeates all of America, save for its inner cities.

Somehow African Americans have in mind that if they vote there is nothing else to be done. So they waited for Moses (Obama) to take them to the “Promised Land.” Somehow the prospect that Obama’s election presented an opportunity to pressure government through organization es- caped black people throughout America. Not one leader came to the fore from any sector of black America to galvanize the people.

If there was even a modicum of understanding that Obama needed black organized pressure on Congress, the Supreme Court and his administration to facilitate positive social change, black reluctance to do anything rendered the Democratic Party base useless. The American white nationalist right used the opening to viciously attack Obama, take Congress and the Supreme Court.

We’re almost eight years later with Hillary Clinton dependent on the black vote to be elected President and, again, there is no black organization, no black policy initiatives known, and no known agreed upon deal. There is only a consistent appeal from Hillary for the black vote. By now the Clinton camp and just about everybody else outside of Trump world are certain that Hillary R. Clinton will be the next POTUS.

While it is imperative that all eligible voters of African descent cast their votes on Tuesday, November 8th, it is equally important that the same mistake of failing to organize for group self-interest never be repeated going forward after the election. Black people must pressure the next President within the first 100 days to put all black issues high on the policy agendas with sound assurances of implementation.

Do not, I repeat, do not use the regular channels of communicating with the President, that is through the Negro leadership. These people have been negotiating for African Americans since slavery. How do you like the job they’ve done so far? These people have bravely positioned themselves to negotiate for you and I without our permission because we have allowed them to get away with “pimping” us.

Instead, let’s organize using social media and groups like Black Lives Matter. Make preachers open churches and hold community issues forums and post findings. Utilize the black press and black orientated radio, especially during drive time to share information and send political messages to the White House and to black elected officials. Black people need to start organizing. Black people need to vote and do for self. Hillary won’t give you a thing unless you make her give it.


Then, I watched this video that left me numb:

I emailed the video to some friends with this message:

In reference to newspaper column linked [above], what about these allegations, Al?


One friend responded, thus:

Time doesn’t allow me to see this full documentary (or any of those interesting ones linked to it), but I am familiar with the story (or at least with some of what all has come out in the past), and I think your subject line says it all.  We could not agree more.
This is yet another manifestation of that famous “twoness” that Dr. W.E.B. DuBois talked about over 100 years ago.  As Africans in America — members of the “Global Elite of Descendants of Survivors of the Middle Passage,” the ones whom “History has forced, obligated, challenged, and blessed to be Truth Knowers, Truth keepers, and Truth tellers,” charged with the responsibility of “keeping it real,” we see through the game and can be downright cynical about it all, but we are also those who, for the same reasons, had to be brought here “because the African presence and the African genius were absolutely required to be her to keep this from being a disaster that would have been beyond human imagination,” as an Afro-Cuban Yoruba priest once stated, and we have to be engaged in the global Village, where every human being is important and even (or especially) “When the fool speaks, the wise person listens.”  We do not write off politicians as irrelevant or beneath the rest of us.  We judge deeds, not doers.
So, as in the case of our current POTUS, love him as we might, we knew from the outset that he was the darling of Wall Street banking types who rather openly groomed him for the role, which has limited power in any case because governments have been supplanted by private multinational corporations and the global banking cartel as the primary arbiters of human destiny.  That said, who will deny that Barack Obama has brought a level of intelligence, consciousness, grace and elegance to the office that has never been there before, and who does not give thanks for all that he WAS able to accomplish in spite of the ignorance, outright hatred, and blind opposition he had to contend with?  Can any of us imagine the direction the country would have taken if either of his opponents had won?  All of this goes into answering the question that Mumia Abu-Jamal posed in a rare interview from prison: At the end of eight years of having an African-American present, what will we [people in general, but African Americans in particular, as I interpret the question] have to shoe for it?”  From day one, we had to “have his back and hold his feet to the fire” at the same time, as I have always seen it, and maybe the REAL question is, “After eight years, how good a job have WE done with that assignment?”  (Mr. Obama, we will recall, was quite honest about this: Only weeks after being elected as the candidate of “Change We Can Believe In,” in those heady President-Elect Days before actually wielding authority, he told the American people, “Change has to come TO Washington, not FROM Washington.)
So you and I seem to be in that same place, as “sober supporters” of the better candidates, not distracted by sensationalism or slogans, or tribal and gender politics, who look at these elections for what they are, knowing all the while, as your subject line says, that we have to be about the pro-active business of building the healthy alternative society.  The real reason we had to be brought here in the first place.  “The past is present.  The future is now.”
Thanks for sharing the knowledge,
I cannot take credit for the subject. That’s Al Calloway’s headline in the South Florida Times for his article – Subject: Blacks must vote and do for self!

My contribution was the link to the video about the Clintons and the body county that has followed them from the Arkansas governor’s office.
So, the issue, when examining the iniquities of the two candidates, is whether to vote for the Republican whose sexual iniquities objectify women and racial slurs offend African Americans, Mexicans, and immigrants (except, of course, his wife)
vote for the Democrat whose iniquities far surpass lying, cheating, and stealing but encompass murder.
I’m just about ready to vote for Trump.
To which G responded:
As usual, we have to choose what we deem to be the lesser of the two evils, while knowing that we better be about the business of making something better (like being Maroons in our own time — uncomfortable and inconvenient in so many ways but free and independent of the “slimy degenerates,” as Dick Gregory used to call them [ and maybe still does]).  That choice has to be objective, informed, and scientific, rather than an emotional and hopeful gamble.
The Clintons and their track record have been a source of some fascination to me for some time.  As horrific as it looks and sounds (if this is all actually verified), it has always struck me, when I am reminded of the” body count” and other questionable dealings, as something that is more American than unusual.  That may sound glib, but I keep getting the impression that these relative rubes from Arkansas have just been less capable of covering up their trail than other families who are more practiced at the craft.  The Kennedys, the Bushes, the ones whose names we don’t even know because they stay in the shadows instead of jumping out into politics, all strike me as  being not very different from those ruthless clans that competed for thrones in the old monarchy days in Europe.
The other impression I get — bearing in mind that none of this is “scientific, objective, or informed” — is the first impression that struck me on the morning of 9/11/01, which was that these dastardly acts could not have been committed by the named assailants alone; they have to be part of a larger conspiracy in which provided lots and lots of help.
This, we are reminded, IS American culture:  A place run by and for genocidal murderers and enslavers for the sole purpose of their profit and power, whatever the cost to others.  Hillary and Donald are just the two faces of that culture that have been thrust into prominence these days, as a major distraction while others of their ilk pursue the same odious agenda behind the scenes.  We, of all people, know this even better than we might ever have wanted to.
So we have a “choice” between a pure creature of the system, totally tied to business-as-usual, with all of her connections with the usual suspects, and all her experiences in several official positions within the system, who promises basically more of the same, and a pure creature of the system, that has been rigged to his advantage from the time of his birth, that could fashion him into a candidate for the presidency out of mere  entertainment industry “realty-TV” (an oxymoron) hype and hoopla, whose track record promises that he will serve himself at whatever cost to the country.
Of the two, the woman, for better or for worse, shows herself to be innately smart, battle-tested, professional, with at least a modicum of knowledge of statecraft, along with all of the heavy baggage that she drags along with her.  The guy, on the other hand, has demonstrated no skill other than his ability to provide power and privilege for himself in a world where everything and everybody is just a tool to that end. The Clinton’s “body count” is scary indeed, and all the more so because it is out in the open (unlike so many others), while the ruin to which the Donald has brought so many people may not have produced as many identifiable corpses, but remains well hidden by the ordinary workings of a system rigged to protect the materially wealthy from such exposure.  (How many Americans even today know how many presidents were slaveholders or how many lives they held in bondage, and at what cost to how many more lives, and that is only counting the ones who went into politics and got elected?)


Central Park 5 in 1990

For me. Donald Trump showed his true colors when he took a full page newspaper ad (at a cost which he surely found a way to write off at taxpayers’ expense) indicting the Central Park Five basically before a real trial could be held, and then another to denounce any compensation given to them after they were exonerated years later, having some of the best years of their lives taken from them in prison.


Central Park 5 in 2016

It was bad enough then, but when he brought it up again only recently, claiming that those men “should have been executed” (damn the courts), it became clear that this is another kind of psychopath, who is perhaps more to be pitied and helped than scorned and demonized.
To the extent that whoever occupies the White House has any relevance to our lives at all, given the choice to be made at the polls, we have to weigh the evidence before us (knowing that there is a whole lot more that is before us that we do not even know about), and, like any dutiful jury, decide the verdict in this case against the American people for being so negligent that out of a population of nearly 320 million people (officially), these are the best two candidates we can come up with.
The elders have wisely taught us that “Everything happens for a reason.”  There are profound lessons to learn from this election (whatever the outcome).  The most profound of all may be the one we have always known, which is that we have work to do.
A luta continua,
Then, I visited a local bookstore owned by a friend of mine who suggested that Jill Stein of The Green Party might be the best candidate to vote for.
So, what is the choice? 
To vote or not to vote for the Democratic Woman, the Republican Elitist, or the Green Party Unknown?
But keep this in mind: