Fake Truth

Here’s how it started on Facebook. I posted TikTok of a young man featuring a speech by Farrakhan about the Ashkenazi Jews. Then, this happened on Facebook:

Sun 11:31 AM Gail: I’m disappointed that you preferred to block me rather than hear me out.

You: You are attacking me. I will not stand for it. Period. I made a simple statement. If you have the answer post it. But do not attack me. I am not here to make you feel good about yourself.

Gail: I never attacked you. I attacked the video.

You: Nothing he said is untrue. The Jew-ish people are NOT the original Hebrews, who are in Ethiopia. This lie must not continue. Jew-ish people are Eastern Europeans who have colonized Palestine with the help of the British. If this is not the true history of this region, then what is the truth???

Gail: So, the Jews who were persecuted out of Aleppo, Cairo, and Tehran and are now the majority in Israel don’t exist? My ancestors who were persecuted in Eastern Europe for generations weren’t really Jewish? Follow our Diaspora, please. Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews. I support the work of We Were Not Lost, which is trying to repatriate the Igbo Jews and many others of Africa. This does not mean that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t real.

You: The European Jews demonized and mistreated the true Israelites. This inhumanity against any group must STOP! Most of HIS-STORY is lies and garbage perpetrated by Europeans who need the resources of Africa.

Gail: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/victims-of-the-nazi-era-nazi-racial-ideology

Victims of the Nazi Era: Nazi Racial Ideology

You: France, Britain, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy have destroyed whole African countries for their greedy, needy selves. The truth is out and there’s no going back. We know it in The Americas, the Pacific, and everywhere indigenous people have been tormented by filthy, greedy Europeans.

Gail: Agreed. White Xian colonialism has been deadly for both Black and Jewish people.

You: And Hawaiians, Philippinos, every clan of people in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. How long is this to be tolerated?

Gail: Maybe in our grandchildren’s lifetimes

You: It needs to STOP NOW. Without truth it cannot. People kill people because that is their nature. Period. I have no weapons. I have no desire or need to kill anyone. It is not in my nature.

Gail: https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1040&context=humbiol_preprints


You: https://fb.watch/nHNeetsvO9

Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah El was live.

You: Listen to him. He studies it all. I don’t believe anything a European writes anymore.

Gail: I’m truly unclear why erasing my people, who have been persecuted and decimated by Europeans, is a good thing.

Sun 12:50 PM You: I don’t think it’s a good thing at all. It is not good to erase any group of people. YOUR PEOPLE are just the most vocal. They are not the only people who have been persecuted. That is a myth. For instance, my grandmother was Cherokee. Do you know the story of their annihilation? Do you care? Here’s data on the population of Jews in the world. Why are most in the U.S. and Israel? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-of-the-world

Jewish Population of the World

Sun 1:28 PM Gail: Caring about my people doesn’t mean that I’m unaware or uncaring about the persecution and genocides against other people. How did you jump to that conclusion? And yes, we are vocal when babies are beheaded, old people are taken hostage and kids are gunned down at a music festival.

You: Yes, that is recent. Native Americans are still reeling from this type of activity right here in America. Please stop. I don’t care about any other groups’ torment. I’m still working on finding my own ancestors right here. Go fix Israel, yourself. If the Jews are mostly here, what’s your beef?

Palestine belongs to Palestinians, not Jews. That is so clear to me, why isn’t it clear to you and other Jews? Jews own New York and Hollywood. I guess that’s not enough. Jews marginalized Palestinians in their own land and that’s supposed to be OK? Nope, it is not, and we will not stop being vocal about that. Why didn’t Germany give the Jews a part of Germany or France or Britain or Spain or Italy or Turkey, etc. etc. etc. Nooooooooooooo, they had to carve out land inhabited by Arabs. There are always consequences. But people don’t want to face those. They bit the hand of the Palestinians and now they are reaping what they sowed. That’s the way most of the rest of us see it. Trust me, Euro-Americans are in fear of that happening to them here, too.

‘License To DESTROY IT ALL’? State Dept. Memo Says NO Gaza ‘De-Escalation’ Talk | Roland Martin

Gail: You are too far gone to see that we have a common enemy. You are punching across, rather than up. Have a good life.

You: Here’s another discussion about it. But it’s men of color, so their accounts don’t count, right?

Too far gone to believe the hype anymore. Nothing Europeans have to say resounds with truth.

Gail: You seem to believe that everyone has rights except a specific group that has been demonized and persecuted for centuries. Okay.


Antisemitism: how the origins of history’s oldest hatred still hold sway today

Sun 2:01 PM You:

Learn your history kids

You: I do not agree that any group should be demonized or persecuted. That’s your opinion, not mine.

The first paragraph of your article points to this activity from Europeans. That is all I have been saying. “Antisemitism is on the march. From the far-right demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, with their “Blood and Soil” chants and their “Jews will not replace us” placards to attacks on synagogues in Sweden, arson attacks on kosher restaurants in France and a spike in hate crimes against Jews in the UK. Antisemitism seems to have been given a new lease of life.”

Me: In my opinion, Jewish people are always on the defensive to the detriment of everyone around them. Why is that?

Dear Jewish Friends,

Please do not question me, demonize me, or criminalize me because I do not have the answers to the Jew-Arab conflict. I have never been to Israel, nor have I been to the so-called Middle East, which is really the northeastern tip of the African continent colonized by Europeans. If you know the answers, post them. However, understand that “Though this region is steeped in ancient history of the oldest civilizations, the term Middle East is a relatively new invention, originally conceived in the late nineteenth century by British imperialists to denote an area between the Near East (the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire) and the Far East (countries of eastern Asia such as China, Japan, and Korea).

Of course, the description of areas as ‘near’ or ‘far’ to the east is entirely in reference to Europe and the West. Interestingly, the modern Arabic endonym to describe the region matches the Eurocentric term ‘Middle East’; the term in Arabic is الشرق الاوسط (al-Sharq al-Awsat), which literally means the Middle East. In English, some people also use the term Near East synonymously with Middle East.” [Source]

In response to a text from a Jewish woman with whom I have been associated for several years, I wrote:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

She said: There is only one truth.

I said: And that is . . .

She said: And then fake truth to further the agenda of whoever is rewriting it.

I said: It’s all fake. It’s belief.

This is what she texted to me in the beginning of this conversation:

For those who were not taught history in school. Surely, you have acquaintances and friends who ask questions. You can send them this post 😉

  • Before Israel, there was a British Mandate, not a Palestinian State.
  • Before the British Mandate the Ottoman Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Mamlyuk Islamic State of Egypt, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Islamic State of Mamlyuk of Egypt, the Empire of Ayubid existed, not the Palestinian State. Goffrey IV of Bulonsky, known as Godfrey de Bouillon, conquered Jerusalem in 1099
  • Before the Empire of Ayubid, there existed the French and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Roman Empire, the Hasmonees State existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Hasmoneysk state, it was the Selevkid state, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before the Selevkid Empire, the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Empire of Alexander the Macedonian, there was the Persian Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Persian Empire, the Babylon Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Babylon Empire, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, the Kingdom of Israel existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was a theocracy of the twelve knees of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before theocracy of the twelve generations of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaan cities-state, not the Palestinian state.

In fact, this piece of earth was everything EXCEPT THE PALESTINE STATE.

I reiterate here:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

This is my opinion, my belief, and my truth:

Reminder: NO GOOD GOD WOULD CHOOSE ONE CHILD OVER ANOTHER! All history is myth written by the violent destroyers of others. Only when there is love for one another can there be peace. As long as men need to feel superior over others – men, women, and children, there will be resistance that translates into terrorism. However, the real terrorists are men who impose their ideology on others. Do you understand that???


Tiny House Update

So, after four month from moving out of Florida to North Carolina, I am still not in my tiny house, which is still being renovated by a new contractor. This has been a harrowing summer with moving, renovating, back surgery, recuperation, technical difficulties with TMOBILE and the sketchy Internet in North Carolina, where phone calls drop in an instant. To teach, I must drive to the community college in Whiteville.

My Tiny House and 2 Sheds

However, life goes on. My children, grands, and great grands are all fine in New York, Atlanta, and Sacramento. So, I have little to complain about, especially since I was not in Florida when Hurricane Ian hit. The west coast of Florida was battered and in Delray Beach, King’s Point got hit. But luckily my cousin’s apartment is in tact. My friend in Delray had her roof all but cave in. That was frightening!

Musically, I’m delighted to be teaching Music and Media at SUNY Old Westbury. But it will not be taught in the Spring, so I need some courses to teach. I applied to SNHU and CCNY in the Center for Worker Education (CEW). We’ll see what develops there.

In the meantime, I am open to suggests about grants for the Musicwoman Archive and Cultural Center.

When will women be remunerated equitably? That is the question.

On November 10 @ 10 a.m., I will be the keynote speaker for http://documentingjazz.com/ and I am excited and honored to have been chosen for that!

More at 11:11 p.m.

Do not trust!

People come in all sizes and shapes but nowhere on them is a label that says, “Do not trust!” ~ Dr. JC

I have been defrauded by the handyman who has worked for me and my daughter for two years. He took my money and did not pay the people he brought in to do the work. Please see the attached statement for details.

September 7, 2022

John Hardgraves was working on my tiny house, in Clarendon NC. Someone stole my refrigerator, stovetop, and dishwasher from Lowe’s in Whiteville, on August 1, 2022, three weeks after my back surgery in Wilmington,  NC. John had my Lowe’s credit card that he did not return to me. I gave it to him before I went to Wilmington. There was only $9 on it.

I spent $6,981 on materials and appliances. I reported it stolen and requested a  new card for me and my daughter. Later, the Whiteville Detective discovered that the goods went missing from the Lowe’s warehouse. Lowe’s refunded all of the money on my credit card. Then, I read an article about Target and Lowe’s missing millions of dollars of inventory. So, I presumed that the warehouse manager took the goods.

The new contractor ex-state trooper Richard Capps insisted that I go to Lowe’s and see what they were holding for me. Two of five items showed on hold. Lowe’s records showed that three of five appliances on hold were picked up on August 1, 2022. I was recovering in an Airbnb in Fayetteville. The refrigerator, dishwasher, and stovetop are not in the house, nor the shed located at 194 Ed Ward Road, Clarendon, NC 28432.

The stackable washer and dryer and the shower door were still at Lowe’s. Someone took the refrigerator, dishwasher, and stovetop that added up to $2000, the exact amount of John’s last unpaid invoice. My daughter, Mimi, who hired him in 2020, fired him two weeks after the appliances had been picked up without my permission or knowledge. So, his actions may have been premeditated if he took them.

I made a police report at Lowe’s and waited for the police to report who picked up the refrigerator, stovetop, and dishwasher without my permission. At the end of June, July, and August, I called Lowe’s to ask for an extension of time to hold my five appliances. I received a call back from the manager, at the end of August. He said they could keep the appliances for another month only. We did not discuss the items being held, during this conversation, because I did not know that John Hardgraves has picked three of them up on August 1st, until the new contractor Richard Capps informed me that he went to Lowe’s to see what was being held for me. At Lowe’s, Capps learned that there were only two items not five on hold.

John Hardgraves threatened to file a mechanic’s lien. He had no contract. His work was that of a 12-year-old, according to the new contractor who reworked the electrical panel, water heater, and electrical outlets, and invoiced me $817 for the labor.

They are pulling the store video at Lowe’s. I’m pressing charges because we’ve paid John Hardgraves every dime that he invoiced us for since 2020. He overcharged for removing an old house. Nothing he did was right except mowing the lawn and his old cousin did that.

John Hardgraves invoiced me once for drywall, then another time for sheetrock, which is the same thing. The new contractor and another builder both said the drywall looked like it had been done by a 12-year-old. There is still a lot of drywall work to do to make the job right.

Hardgrave’s cousin Robbie and his son Hoss were supposed to be doing the work. But the last time I was at the house when they were there, Robbie told me that he worked a 10-hour job then came to do this work on my house. John was not paying the people who did the work for him. That’s why his cousin wound up coming to do the work. In addition, John’s nephew Timothy Marlowe was paid to do the plumbing. His quote was for $5,400. I paid him half to get supplies. He never finished the work.

The electrician we hired Anthony Lewis from Fuquay Electric never finished the work we contracted him to do, either. We never paid the final invoice for $338 because he did not come to finish the work. According to him, he did not answer to John who was a handyman telling him where to put the outdoor electrical panel. So, he dropped off the job. We paid John $338 to finish the outlets, but they were never done. Also, I paid for lighting fixtures that he picked up from Lowe’s, but they are nowhere to be found. That charge is on my credit card.

Around the time he took the appliances, we asked John Hardgraves to leave the keys because I thought I lost my set. But I found them hanging on my cooler. He asked us if we were firing him then. We said no because we did not intend to fire him.

So, he went and got my appliances because he had the order number and knew the people in the Lowe’s warehouse. told my daughter that he was a liar. Now, we know he’s a thief, too.

I’m exhausted from this process. I have been taken advantage of by people I paid to do a job for me. They left the house a mess. I paid Richard Capps to clean the house up and pay the electrician to repair and rearrange electrical apparatus in the amount of $1,000.

To date, this project has cost me $60,499.26. I paid John Hardgraves $6,690 from my account and $3,939 on credit cards for a total of $10,629. There is an outstanding invoice for $2,050.

My daughter was referred to John Hardgraves in 2020 by our realtor Kip Nance who sold us 9.5 acres of land without disclosing that at least 6 acres are in a flood zone. The 3.5 acres we put the house and sheds on perked. The rest of the land is in the flood zone. Kip referred only John to us. He did not give a list of professional contractors. John maintained the lawn, after the cornstalks were removed. We trusted John because we had a relationship with him. But he defrauded us in every way.

Dr. Joan Cartwright

Mimi Johnson

Clarendon, NC


Photos of the house before and after the new contractor cleaned up the house.

After the cleanup by the new contractor

The moral of the story is “Do not trust anyone, especially workmen who take your money and promise to do the work but hire incompetent people whom they do not pay. This is a harrowing experience. Check and double-check anyone you hire to work for you. People, today, are desperate, greedy, and deceitful. They have no respect for seniors, women, or anyone they think they can bilk for money.

Needless to say, I am making every effort to resolve this issue. Today, I spoke with a Whiteville Police Department Detective. Last night, I submitted this statement to the Columbus County District Attorney. Now, I need to file a report with Columbus County State Troopers. It’s an ordeal but must be done.

Be safe and DO NOT TRUST anyone!


When will we have enough of white men working steadily to wage war on women, people of color, government, the economy, the environment, ecology, and the planet?

Let’s focus on:

Mississippi voter’s rights and water

Past presidents who abuse their privilege to run the country

Dumbing down of students who cannot read, write, think, or converse

Generational wealth through real estate ownership

A damaging economy that enables cheesy, greedy landlords to raise the rent and cause whole families to become homeless

Eastern wars on their own people

The right for people to live and love how and whom they please

Repost from Earthwise Productions

The incoming Biden-Harris administration reflects the diversity of Americans.

“I did my brother a grievous wrong, and I will never forgive him!”
When I first read that statement years ago in Utne Magazine, I was baffled. If I did my brother wrong, wouldn’t it be me that needed forgiveness?
Reading on, I saw the meaning which I think it is incredibly relevant to America today:
When you’ve acted inhumanly to your fellow members of the human race, you can repent it OR you can keep insisting that THEY MUST HAVE DESERVED IT. Otherwise you, an upstanding member of society, could never have acted that way. So you have to keep piling coals of fire upon your brother’s head to justify your actions and avoid being repulsed by yourself. Today we are seeing a culmination of 400 years of misplaced blame in America.
“We have to take our country back!” is a macabre example, considering that the people uttering those words descend from those who massacred millions of indigenous people that were here long before Europeans invaded.
“They’re going to take our jobs and give them to the lazy Blacks!” is another common mantra. Disrespect reigns for anyone not white, such as that expressed even by someone as privileged as a member of the board of the Naval Academy Alumni Association, who unwittingly broadcast himself saying hateful slurs.
As a Black woman who has learned America’s history at the pivotal places where it happened in the National Park System, I confess I sometimes feel a little smug. Because it requires an astounding lack of knowledge about our country’s history to claim that it was once “white” and a colossal level of self-deception to pretend that non-white Americans are lazy.
Could it be that revulsion to their ancestors’ actions at events such as the massacre at Sand Creek force today’s racists to maintain their antipathy towards their non-white brothers and sisters? Could the need to be able to stomach or excuse the actions of their forebears propel them to claim a shallow ‘superiority?’ Because it is stomach churning:
… in late autumn of 1864, about 1,000 Cheyenne and Arapaho lived in tepees here, at the edge of what was then reservation land. Their chiefs had recently sought peace in talks with white officials and believed they would be unmolested at their isolated camp. 
“When hundreds of blue-clad cavalrymen suddenly appeared at dawn on November 29, a Cheyenne chief raised the Stars and Stripes above his lodge. Others in the village waved white flags. The troops replied by opening fire with carbines and cannon, killing at least 150 Indians, most of them women, children and the elderly. Before departing, the troops burned the village and mutilated the dead, carrying off body parts as trophies. . .”
I need not document the industriousness of African Americans in farming, building, metalwork, defense and even saving America’s economy. and instead refer you to some of those parks that commemorate that history at the places where it happened, African American Heritage. Americans of every race and ethnicity contributed to the development of our country and can find sites in the National Park System where their contributions were pivotal to getting us where we are today. The humanity of white Americans is similarly on display.
I’m not a psychologist (though I could play one on TV.) But I believe it’s important to investigate all the potential triggers that are leading our white brothers and sisters to act out in such a paroxysm of rage.
A few cautions I might share from the System which protects the “natural, cultural and historic” treasures of our great Republic:
A civil war is no joke, as the graves at these national parks attest, and the suffering recorded at sites such as Andersonville National Historic Site place them off my list, (although my life goal is to visit all 400-plus units in the system.) 750, 000 dead and untold numbers injured. For what purpose would the losing side want to repeat that in 2021?!
I read about a tribe in Africa where, when a member has transgressed, the elders take them out into the village square. There, the villagers sing and dance around them, reminding them how good they are and that they are a vital part of the community. When the transgressor has repented, the tribe takes him back into the village.
I wish we could do that for these American transgressors. Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. I’d tell them, “Your brothers and sisters who’ve been so terribly wronged don’t hold it against you. We just want to move on as humans together on a level playing field, to make real what we Americans committed to centuries ago, ‘with Liberty and Justice for all.’ ”
How about it? There’s a brighter day in view and I embrace it wholeheartedly.
Thanks to Audrey Peterman of Earthwise Productions, Inc. in Fort Lauderdale for permission to repost this message.

Declaration of Decolonization of Turtle Island

therealpilgrimsPeace and love my dear Friend,

This is for We The People, the true Indigenous People of this Land. Please Stand Up and Reclaim Our Land!


Declaration Of Decolonization Of The Land Mass Formerly Known As Turtle Island And The Independence Of The Descendants Of The Original Indigenous People

We were a people once numerous, powerful, and truly independent, found by our ancestors in the quiet and uncontrolled possession of an ample domain, gradually sinking beneath our superior policy. Our arts and our arms have yielded their lands by successive treaties each of which contained a solemn guarantee of the residue until they retain no more of their formerly extensive territory than was deemed necessary to their comfortable subsistence.

So-called Christopher Columbus was sanctioned by the Catholic Church/Vatican to conquer lands that did not belong to them. He and his conquistadors tortured, raped, murdered, and ate the people they found on those lands.

Today, their descendants continue to commit various acts of genocide against the Indigenous People of those lands. Their laws, history, educational system, sciences, and medicines are further used to supplant the identity of those Indigenous Heirs to the land.

We are the Indigenous Heirs whose history and inheritance is tied to these lands proclaim the following:

All Land, Resources, Property (movable and unmovable) thought to belong to the Catholic Church (Vatican) doing business as the United States, united States, The United States of (for) America, its international partners or allies, are hereby confiscated and reclaimed by the Indigenous People citing the Law of Ma’at and Postliminium.

Postliminium Law & Legal Definition

Postliminium is a term of public international law. The term invalidates all illegitimate acts that an occupant may have performed on a given territory after its recapture by the legitimate sovereign. For example, if an occupant has sold a private or public property when the land was under the occupation of an enemy alien, the original owner can reclaim the property when the land is recaptured without paying any compensation. Postliminium also means the rule by which persons captured in war return to their original status when resorted to the jurisdiction of their own country.

The emergence of military occupation as a distinct phenomenon was bound up with considerations of justice. Those seeking its deepest historical roots tended to trace it back to the Roman right of postliminium, that is, to the ‘legal principle or right by virtue of which a person taken captive in war, upon his recapture or his return to his own country, was restored to his former civil status’. As even many of those who cited this origin noted, the comparison of the modern conception of occupation with this Roman right relied upon a ‘somewhat distant analogy’. The attraction of the term and the source lay in the authority of Roman law and the analogy with the returning sovereign anxious to assert his former status, though the application of the doctrine to the sovereign as well as the citizen was a later development. The right of postliminium was consequently elaborated in terms of what should happen at the end of occupation; that could not be determined without some judgment upon which acts of the occupier, or acts performed under the authority of the occupier, were to be recognized as valid. Justice and the rights which it secures were not regarded as wholly suspended. Unlike the captive Roman, the inhabitants of occupied territory did not become slaves, they were not assumed to have lost their title to property nor were their relations with each other dissolved.

also Lat. In the civil- law. A doctrine or fiction of the law by which the restoration of a person to any status or right formerly possessed by him, was considered, as relating back to the time of his original loss or deprivation; particularly in the case of one who, having been taken prisoner in war, and having escaped and returned to Home, was regarded, by the aid of this fiction, as having never been abroad, and was thereby reinstated in all his rights. Inst. 1, 12, 5. The term is applied in international law to the recapture of property taken by an enemy and its consequent restoration to its original owner.

Postliminium fingit eum qui captus est in civitate semper fuisse. Postliminy feigns that he who has been captured has never left the state. Inst. 1, 12, 5; Dig. 4′J, 51 ~ Black’s Law Dictionary

This is the right by which persons and things taken in war are restored to their former status, when power is restored in the nation to which they belonged.

First recorded in 1650.


The term ‘land’ includes all physical elements in the wealth of a nation bestowed by nature; such as climate, environment, fields, forests, minerals, mountains, lakes, streams, seas, and animals. As an asset, it includes anything (1) on the ground, (such as, buildings, crops, fences, trees, water), (2) above the ground (air and space rights), and (3) under the ground (mineral rights) down to the center of the Earth.

**Precious metals refer to the classification of metals that are considered to be rare and/or have a high economic value. The higher relative values of these metals are driven by various factors including their rarity, uses in industrial processes, and use as an investment commodity. Precious metals include, but are not limited to gold, silver, platinum, iridium, rhodium, and palladium.


Precious stones refers to several gems, including the diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire, that have high economic value because of their rarity or appearance.

Human capital: Human beings used as capital in stocks, bonds, certificates, and banking schemes are all free for self-determination.

Repossession becomes an act of necessity and is a self-help type of action in which the party having right of ownership of the property in question takes the property back from the party who took possession of it (whether agreed, implied, or usurped), without invoking court proceedings.

(Note: Courts cannot rule nor make judgments when they lack jurisdiction.)

Therefore, it becomes necessary to forfeit (and confiscate) land and property thought to belong to the United States (U.S.) states, cities, and municipalities; and repeal all U.S. (federal) government allotted land agreements; historically known as Alienated Land and Allotted Land of Indian Country.

We Indigenous People demand restoration of treaty-guaranteed land as well as monetary compensation. We demand restoration, restitution, or repatriation of lands acquired by the United States outside valid treaties.

We, the traditional owners, restore ourselves as custodians of this land. Devastation has been caused by the gross mismanagement of the colonists through greed.

Also, be advised that no monetary amount can compensate for lands illegally seized, particularly those sacred lands necessary for Indigenous Peoples to regain sacred coherence.

We demand an accounting for monies given in settlement to groups falsely claiming to be descendants of the Original Indigenous People, Descendants of so-called $5 Indians.

We the Indigenous descendants demand the return of all land, waterways, railroads, roads, buildings, etc. all properties illegally taken from our people who are “Prisoners of War”.

The U.S. government ignored the existence of the Indigenous People on their own land and treated our land as a land free to colonize.

The U.S. government stole the identities of the Indigenous People by labeling them Negro, Black, Colored, Mulatto, and African American which left them a landless people, War Prisoners, with Identity Theft, while half-castes or $5 Indians were encouraged to assimilate into the various Indigenous communities and also the so-called white communities.

Members of some Native American Tribes have and continually receive cash payouts from gaming revenues. Some as much as $30,000 per month from casino earnings, casinos built on our stolen land.

The Dawes Final Rolls allowed so-called white people to bribe government officials, they were referred to as $5 Indians, in order to unlawfully obtain land allotments of land stolen, taken from the Indigenous members of many tribes.

Many Indigenous People have been unable to trace their ancestry because the U.S. government has allowed identity thieves to falsely claim their heritage and to destroy documentation from the rightful heirs.

The U.S. government has illegally and unlawfully sold off and stolen and taken from the Original Indigenous People, Prisoners of War, to other foreign countries and corporations. As part of such actions, A Chinese company now owns 146,000 acres of prime farmland, since 2013.

There are many reservations located in these United States with millions of acres of trust lands which are leased for farming, grazing, oil and gas and other mineral extraction. Yet, the descendants of the rightful inheritors do not live on these reservations nor share in any profits from these leased lands.

We will NOT purchase any land because the land was never ceded to the United States (U.S.). The land along with many family relics and treasures are being held in Trusts.

We declare our independence. It’s not a cessation but a lawful, unilateral withdrawal from treaty obligations permitted under the 1969 Vienna Convention as the Law of Treaties.

We are NOT citizens of the U.S.A. We offer citizenship to anyone who renounces their U.S. citizenship. U.S. colonial rule is at an end.

The territory of the Republic of Indigenous Americans will include and encompass all of the lands stolen and held in Trust by the U.S. government.

This is a Manifesto representing the wisdom of thousands of people, the ancestors, and the Great Mystery, the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka supports the rights of Indigenous Nations to live free and to take whatever actions are needed for sovereignty.

We want international recognition according to the U.N. Declaration of Indigenous Rights which was affirmed, as well as the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We were once a free people and return to our free status, which was also affirmed by the U.N. Declaration of Indigenous Rights and the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Our struggles began with the Doctrine of Discovery, the infamous Papal Bull, the U.S. fantasy history. The Doctrine began the invading, encroaching, stealing, and occupying of our land, the murdering of our people, their displacement, and extermination. That is how today’s America was created.

In 1887 Congress passed the General Allotment Act (the Dawes Act) which ended our communal ownership of reservation lands. It distributed 160-acre allotments to individual Indians. But due to the reclassification, the Identity Theft of our peoples, we lost millions of acres. Wealthy ranchers exploit them today.

U.S. authorities stole tribal lands and resources freely. They did so on the pretext of fulfilling federal responsibilities. Doing so abrogated fundamental indigenous rights unilaterally. Hundreds of treaties were violated. Our entire history reflects horrific struggles, denial of human rights, our god-given unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property.

We note that soon after a treaty was issued, the American Indigenous people were removed from their land. Those treaties were not signed by the Indigenous People, but by someone acting on our behalf such as the European “chief” John Ross of the Cherokees or by the issuer themselves.

We, therefore, terminate all treaties.

Land Restitution applicant and claimant must be female. According to ancestral customs and traditions, the return of land is to the maternal line. Land claims will only be honored going back through the maternal line.

We demand compensation due to the practiced method of supplanter and usurper for countless generations. All done under the guise of consent. Also, generational testing usually is done under the guise of prevention such as in the 1950’s polio and in the 1930’s syphilis, namely, the infamous clinical study, the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service on so-called African Americans, Indigenous American men, who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government.

According to Noah Webster’s Dictionary 1828, American -n. A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals of copper-colored races found here by the Europeans, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.

The America was later reclassified as Negro, Black, Colored, Mulatto and African American. Stolen Identities.

Native American: A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America and especially to the citizens of the United States.

“Where is the home, cradle of civilization, of those that colonized our indigenous lands, and now call themselves native to the lands? For the so-called Native Americans, it is not the United States, it is not America.”

We had an agreement with one another, “I am not going to get out of my canoe and get into your boat and try to steer it, and I am not going to ask you to get out of your boat and into my canoe and try to steer it. We are going to allow one another to exist.”

In the beginning, we helped your people in their quest to be “Free From Bondage”, on the land of the First People. We helped them establish their government, taught them how to cultivate the Soil, Build, and how to Create Agreements of Peace and Friendship. Their independence was based on our autochthonous status to the land, which helped in their claim for independence and creation of government.

We have our own way of life and you have yours, and we are not trying to convince you to be us, nor do we want to be you. You wanted our help because you were fleeing for your lives. This was the sentiment of the Original Americans towards the Europeans. However, things soon changed and we saw first-hand what it was they had fled from.

The colonists brought their European wars to North America and their competition for land (and its resources) was endless. This led to a hundred years of war with the French and their Indigenous American Allies, in the north, with the British and with their Indigenous American Allies in the south.

One moment, we are traveling in our canoe, down the river of life. Traveling in a parallel line in their boat were those Europeans or Euro-Americans who are here on our land. The next moment, we were being kidnapped, stolen, moved across the land; put into bondage and Slavery, in our OWN land, and told we were escaped slaves, those people they tricked into indentured servitude.

Once our people lived peacefully on their own land. The so-called White settlers changed things. Western civilization destroyed their way of life. There’s nothing civilized about it. They’re either ignored, mocked, or demonized in media, books, films, and society. They’re called drunks, beasts, thugs, primitives, and savages. These colonists always were a white supremacist society.

Immigrants and their descendants have become the rich powerful elites who have been controlling the Indigenous People and most others don’t matter. They’re used and abused, systematically. They’re not served. It’s the Colonist’s way.

History fails to mention many slaves were pale in skin, those that were tawny, swarthy, copper-colored, DARK in skin were POW’s (Prisoners of War).

They killed our Warriors, Elders even Women and Children. Those that survived were separated based on our varying copper-color complexion. Mothers were separated from children, who were used for the adventure of the colonists for Rape, Molestation, and Bait for animals. which lead to the Genocide of Aboriginal People.

Our Land, Inheritance, Names were all stolen and we were misidentified as Negro or Colored. Now misnomered Black or African American. Although those titles, labels, were thrust upon us, many of our grandparents continued to fight for our inheritance and told stories of our life before the colonists’ time.

When many of the elders were growing up, it wasn’t safe to be Indian. It was better to be thought of as Black or Negro. Often, we heard our parents say, “I won’t be a Negro for nothing in this world.” We were told never to talk about who we were or what we were. Our people were afraid. They thought they would get hurt or be killed. So, we never talked about it much, especially, away from home. But we knew who we were. We knew who our people were.

Talking about your heritage or your connection to the land (rights) was a dangerous topic that could cost you your life. This is one reason why we see pale-skinned people claiming American Indian or Native American ancestry. Many ran and took refuge in our clans (tribes). Unbeknownst to us, some were working on behalf of the colonist to steal our titles and land.

This is why in 1831, in Cherokee v. Georgia, Justice Marshall ruled that the Cherokee Nation was not a “foreign” State as defined in the U.S. Constitution and, therefore, they could not sue the state of Georgia in the Supreme Court from usurping the gold on their land. By this time, many tribes had been infiltrated. The original Cherokee were being designated something else, while the pale-skinned European claimed their heritage and land. Here is the rally against illegal aliens. The descendants of the colonists are still claiming to be who they are NOT.

The state governments did little to discourage them, ignoring federal treaties and even abetting the taking of Indian land through bribery, fraud, and coercion. When the tribes turned to Washington for redress, federal officials proved ineffectual or hostile, depending on the administration. One by one the other major southern tribes – the Chickasaws, the Choctaws, the Creeks and the Seminoles – signed treaties that required them to uproot to the far side of the Mississippi River.

Modern-day Native Americans do not know of their copper-color bushy-haired origins but have accepted the claims of their oppressor as fact without any verification. Those living on Federal Land (reservations) are a product of this colonization and rape. It is a very sensitive topic as many are unaware of their true history. The same is true of many Original American Indians. Although they have the historical link, they too believe the lies of the colonist and not the Truth of Their Soul.

All of the above make our argument and declaration as a sovereign state, the Republic of Indigenous Americans. Our people never ceded their independence to the U.S. We have a long history as nations, a tradition which the U.S. recognized when it entered into treaty relationships with their governments.

Instead, U.S. courts have declared Indians to be members of “dependent” nations who occupy their lands at the pleasure of Congress, a political body that may elect to abrogate native status altogether, at any time.

The U.S. stole our land and killed or enslaved our people. They are annihilating us, continually.

We stand firm and say, “No More!” We take a stand to reclaim our land. We are the true autochthonous People of the land, although they want to usurp our identity, their documents tell the truth.

We will no longer identify ourselves by the names (labels) given to us by the oppressor. We no longer identify ourselves as something that was created by the colonist. We’ve taken a very close look at our lineage.

Tribes in historiography: the ancient myth of autochthony in historiography is the belief of the historian or the tribe itself, that they were indigenous, the first people to inhabit their possessed land, “people who sprung from the earth itself, are the original inhabitants of a country as opposed to settlers.”

In 1988, Congress thanked the Iroquois Confederacy for helping them establish their trading post and Constitution. (Joint House Resolution 331 of the 100 Congress).

October 5 (legislative day, September 26), 1988

Received and referred to the Select Committee on “Indian” Affairs

October 21 (legislative day, October 18), 1988

Committee discharged



To acknowledge the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the United States Constitution and to reaffirm the continuing government-to-government relationship between Indian tribes and the United States established in the Constitution.

Whereas the original framers of the Constitution, including, most notably, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, are known to have greatly admired the concepts of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy;

Whereas the confederation of the original Thirteen Colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the Constitution itself;

Read the full Resolution: House Resolution 331 (100 Congress)

The indigenous people, born during the late 1800s to the early 1900s, were listed on Birth Certificates as “NEGRO” and later reclassified as “Black”, then ultimately reclassified as “African-American”, which is a 14th Amendment Citizen (an artificial entity) and now made property by U.S. Presidential “Executive Order 13037” signed by William Jefferson Clinton. The term “African-American” is a federal government term describing property, not a Race of People. Property has NO RACE classification. Property has NO HUMAN RIGHTS!

Some years ago, I found out that my family BLOODLINE and my blood allele is “O” blood like many DARK PEOPLE living and who lived in the North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas regions. The historic homeland to hundreds of thousands of DARK-SKINNED Indigenous People who the Spaniard invaders called “INDIANS” or “INDIOS”. The United States classified each as “NEGRO”, illegally and unlawfully.

According to the U.S. Department of Interior agent Walter Plecker and government historian Jack Forbes, the NEGRO today are the descendants of those people called and referred to as (Chatah) Choctaw, (Chikasa) Chickasaw, (Shakter Homma) Chakchiuma, Creek, Yamassee, Seminole, Washita(w), Black Foot, Shawnee, Shoshoni and many other Southern and Northern clans (tribes).

Under the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, it is a federal crime when a person “knowingly” transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State of local law. This law was followed by the Theft Penalty Enhancement Act in 2004, which increased penalties for “aggravated” identity theft.

Identity Theft and Identity Fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.

We charge the United States, the united States, the United States of America, and the United States for America, for our Identity Theft. A crime they committed in violation of its own law.

The 1998 Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, which amended Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1028 to make it a federal crime to “knowingly transfer or use, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law.”

All the so-called white, white settlers kept coming.

The ancient remains being found throughout the Americas are a ‘negroid’ not mongoloid or eurozoid people.

The reason the U.N. and Congress don’t seriously entertain “Native” American causes is that they are foreigners. The 15th-century definition of native is person of servitude which applies to them even today. The present interpretation of native is a person born here but originates elsewhere. Both definitions apply to those on the reservations. These folks are descendants of Europeans and Asians, not from thousands of years ago but fairly recent. They are “foreigners” even if it was shown they arrived here 10,000 years ago. They could never be nothing more than an immigrant i.e. native..not divinely entitled to anything here.

To show you this is based in truth, Obama signed the U.N. Declaration for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and that alone would give the supposed Native American teeth to quietly fight and win their land battles. Yet, they don’t go near that U.N. Declaration. They know it doesn’t apply to them and that they can’t have land that does not belong to them.

Their purpose was to displace the true indigenous in exchange for land to live on and monthly federal support. So yes, the summation they’re not a sovereign nation is correct. Only individuals can be sovereign and the only individuals that can be are the autochthonous a.k.a. African-Americans because they originated here, no one else. This is why the Montana Freeman endured so much hardship declaring they were ‘freeman’ on the land standing, back in the day. It doesn’t apply to them. The same can be said of the Native American.

Any Aboriginal people labeling themselves as Native is placing themselves in the same boat as the fake Indians which is why people need to know who the original people are and call themselves accordingly. The illusion about who belongs and who doesn’t is being dissolved daily.

It is also stressed that the government(s) would deal on behalf of the Indigenous claimant any foreseeable “problems” that may arise from farmers having to return the land. They also must provide protection for the reinstated landholders, as well as paving roads, so they would have an easy return, installing water/sewage, etc. The government will provide protection against any harm that may come to the people returning to family land.

We do not need permission to reclaim and take our land. We will not fill out any forms. We are the Original Beings and do NOT need permission to BE.

We demand an Aboriginal Indigenous Land Corporation – established by the Federal government to assist the Indigenous Americans to acquire land and manage aboriginal held land sustainably and in a manner that provides cultural, social, economic, and environmental benefits for ourselves and future generations. The corporation is to be funded by an annual payment from the investment returns of the American government’s investment accounts.

The Indigenous people will draw up their own constitutions.

Indigenous people must have the right to their land. The connection to land gives them their identity and a sense of belonging. But if we don’t sustain the land, then we only take and not give back. Land means different things to non-indigenous and aboriginal people. The latter has a spiritual, physical, social, and cultural connection. Land management and care are vital for our health and will provide jobs. For aboriginal people, the country is much more than a place. Rocks, trees, rivers, hills, animals, people – all were formed of the same substance.

Sex and slave trafficking, human organ harvesting of the Indigenous people on the land known as America must end. We, therefore, call for the immediate removal of all military, law enforcement officers, agents, personnel, police, sheriff, and fire departments.

The misguided governance of leaders in many American inner cities has caused confusion among its citizens. Sadly, when these police officers fail to uphold their sworn positions in good standing, the progressive leaders and influencers support them in their error. This has transpired far too long.

Therefore, we the descendants of the original inheritors of the sovereign empire known as America call for the removal of all present law enforcement personnel, police, sheriffs, fire department officers, and agents from the landmass known as America and the United States. The security of “Israel” (Isis, Ra, and El) the children of the sun, is an enforceable action under the Laws of Ma’at and must be upheld by “Nations”, “States”, and “Countries”.

Also, through investigations, it has been determined that the United States federal offices and local subsidiaries of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), National Security Agency (N.S.A.), Department of Homeland Security (H.L.S.), Department of Defense (D.O.D.), Department of Energy (D.O.E.), and other agencies are responsible for countless murders and kidnapping.

We must build a righteous world for all people.

It’s shocking that the Nation is so divided. People are demanding change to police culture, while they ignore the incompetence of the elected officials who oversee them. We watch the cities fun and games by progressive mayors and state officials who blatantly refuse to enforce common-sense laws to regulate police officers.

It should infuriate everyone in America that these progressive state and local officials allow men and women sworn to honor, never betray their badge, their integrity, character, or the public trust. They vowed to have the courage to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions. Yet, those who do not uphold this oath remain on the police force. No job in America would allow an employee to remain on duty under such circumstances, let alone, a job as important as policing a diverse community.

We make a Clear Call for Separation, Removal of all Indigenous People from Industry.

We note from historical events in reports, personal accounts, activity, and the non-compliance of their own administrative procedures (law); a call for the separation of Indigenous People from industry is imperative. For life to continue, thereby, allowed to take its rightful place on the stage of evolution, it becomes necessary to remove the offending factors that hinder these events from occurring. That is, stop the mechanisms which have been put into place to prevent, detain, and delay the evolution of the Indigenous soul-bearing beings. Mechanisms include:

  • Thermal imager and infrared camera for smartphones and guns used to seek-out ‘hotspots’ of energy. These devices act as beacons with long-range detection, compass, LED light, and laser pointer.
  • Xenon headlights on vehicles that produce more glare with less light because of the beam pattern and are unsafe to motorists.
  • Red and blue flickering lights and sirens on police cars. These lights and sonic patterns induce fear and negative emotional responses. These sound and light frequencies have been designed to produce a distinct biological and physiological response of depression, fear, violence, and hopelessness. With the influx of nonlethal weapons and tens of millions of dollars invested in the research and development of more “media-friendly” weapons for everyday civilian policing, a fear-based society is imminent.

We are the true Autochthonous People of the Land (although they want to usurp our identity); their documents tell the Truth.

“I prefer Peace, but if Trouble must come, let it come in my time so that my children can live in peace.” ~ Thomas Paine

We, the Indigenous heirs to this land, who are in our proper status (non-citizens) and standing (Indigenous) give public notice and are taking steps to reclaim our land.

We reclaim our land from the United States and its International Partners. So it is. And includes all Businesses, Citizens, Residences, and Governments occupying agreements with the United States, et al.

We the Indigenous Heirs ascend our throne. All governments, their subsidiaries, partners and allies must remove themselves from power and return all authority of the land(s) to the Indigenous Heirs.

Removal is immediate and no further action (trial, a second vote, follow-up acts, etc.) is taken. The Indigenous Heirs are placed in their proper position and all property owed to them by Birthright, Heritage, and Pedigree are to be returned.

I bring this Declaration to the knowledge of all the people of the world, the entire Earth, and the Universe.  We reclaim the Planet and declare All People Free and Their sphere of experience open for self-determination. As the Root Race, the Root Stock that inhabited and seeded this Planet.

This Official Order is Effective Now!

I ask everyone, “What is your threshold? When are we going to stand up for ourselves: We are being led to slaughter. Now is the time. Stand up. Reclaim your land.

The internet has made us neighbors. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have made us friends. Research has made us partners. And, if we stand up together, our rebellion will make us allies.

My advice is Do Not Accept ANY OFFERS. None! In fact, ignore them. Though they will make it difficult for you by taking all the food, poisoning the water and putting you in the street. But what’s new? When have they Not done this.

This is further reason to get yourself and family out of their system, and by no means leave them an opening to pull you back in, whether through threats, starvation of otherwise. Don’t give them your tribe (clan name), and even if they have it, they cannot do anything with it without your consent. Know that they will place their people into those “roles” of an heir to the land, but this will not work either, if it would they could, they would have done it. They Need Your Consent!

These “people” who are behind this seldom change their operation, so the same strategy and tactics used on our forbearers are being placed once again. They want everyone on their respective land, so they can appoint an “Indian” Agent (to do business on behalf of the indigenous people and the government), then they will implant their agents amongst the indigenous people to start discord and infighting, and then the whole “play” starts again.

And finally, please review what actually took place with our forbearers when the colonist arrived on our shores. They were killing and raping and eating Us! (and I am being serious here!). Our forebears fought valiantly to protect us and rid us of this beast. Now that they MUST LEAVE, Do not let him back in!

You must See this latest ploy for what it really is. You don’t need their permission to take your land. You just do it! Do Not fill-out their forms. Make your Own Announcements, Declarations, Proclamation.

You are the Original and Organic Beings. You DO not need permission to BE. The world has been waiting for you to wake up – you are the remnant.

Stay away from protests, marches, and rallies. These people are Not you. Keep your children out of their schools. Tell them the truth of what is happening. As is you learn, have them sit with you and learn also. All you really need is an old Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, an old Black’s Law Dictionary, basic math, and science for now.

The Time is Now to Stand Up!

Anytime they close all the schools, all the businesses, the government goes into hiding and they allow so-called Black people to protest and loot, it’s bad people. Real, real Bad.

As one economist put it, ‘something is coming to a head that has been avoided dealing with since WWII.

Stop Shopping! Stop Working! You must stay out of their stores which are all 5G compliant. It is a technology used to harness energy from your body. It can cause organ failure and death. They are waiting for you to run out of food, so that you can accept their ‘relief aid” at a cost. They are walking around and waiting. Waiting for you to run out of their money and food. While you sit in the house (quarantining yourselves) eating up all your food.

It all started years ago with strange, empty people showing up as new neighbors. Talking to them is like having an empty conversation with no emotion or feeling around them. Today these silent, creepy people are walking dogs, patrolling your neighborhood, while you quarantine yourself waiting to be their next victim. They have plotted and planned for years.

They have no emotions because they are Not sentient beings (created by nature) but are soulless creatures (that kill) created by machines. The image you see of them is not their true form. They are what you may call the ‘living dead’. They need your organs, blood, plasma, cells, and tissue to maintain a human appearance. BUT they are NOT us. They are not who they pretend to be. They are only cloaked in human tissue.

You must know that their hospitals, doctors, nurses, EMTs, Police are 100% involved in trafficking, stealing organs and implanting, (using you as an incubator). Do Not go to their hospitals. Doctors, nurses, police, EMT medics. These people are not well. Protect yourself however you see fit.

Do not take your children to the doctor. Learn how to heal, repair, and rest bones on your own, and as a family. You are a natural person and need very little to maintain good health. Use black walnut, eat fruits. Pineapple and aloe vera both have amazing healing capacities on the body as well as reducing inflammation. Drink lots of water.

Stay away from pre-packaged foods. Heal your body by cooking the foods your grandparents and elders made. Use the special ingredients, spices, and seasoning they used. To super heal, listen to your traditional music and R and B music.

Remember they are looking for people with particular genes as a way for them to survive. Do NOT give them your DNA. Do NOT give them your blood. Your kundalini is rising (creating heat in the body). They are searching for those whose DNA is evolving (changing).

Keep in mind. They are INSANE and do not have a moral compass. They rape men, women, children, babies, even animals, in order to feed off their energy.

Don’t let your children go to school. They are being hypnotized, sodomized and their memory wiped clean.

Get outside to show that you are not a ward, sick, or in need of their government to take care of you. Keep a Safe distance from them. Fight for yourself! DO NOT GO OUT LIKE THIS!

Burn all mail, I.D. (identification cards) documents, Birth Certificates, Social Security cards, Licenses. Put up notices in your communities to let everyone know they can burn unwanted junk mail, all mail, bills, documents, etc. Remove the mailbox from your home. There are no more bills. Remove numbers from homes and buildings. Learn to use landmarkers. Start community farms. This will eliminate the “supply chain” making us all farmers and food will be readily available.

Your leaders, for the most part, have been replaced. The fate of our people and the world lies in our hands. To save them and yourself requires you To Do One Thing – Call Yourself Indigenous NOT Black. That simple act reverses everything.

Warning: Do NOT answer any questions. Their language is the trap that keeps us in bondage.

Repeat: Do NOT Respond To Questions Or Commands. They are furious that you are waking up! They will try to engage you in conversation and call you Ma’am, Sir, Mr. and Mrs., You (these are LEGAL Terms). Ignore them.

Burn all bills, degrees, certificates, licenses, cards, etc. They will offer you money or try to give you something. Do NOT accept it. Walk away and ignore them.

They will want to know what tribe you come from. It’s a Trick. They are tribal which means inbreed, inbred. You are Indigenous. Walk away and ignore them. If they say stay – leave. If they say leave – stay. Do the reverse. The opposite.

Do not understand. Do not go to any of their courts, government buildings, even some retail stores like Starbucks will use legal semantics to usurp your position.

The whole system shut down because contracts are fraudulent and never spelled out its true intent.

They will send you a check in the mail. A check is an agreement once endorsed (signed). Do Not Sign It. Rip it up. Stop Accepting Mail! Do not have a Birth Certificate. This is the instrument they use to make all other agreements. Thus, you do not have a date of birth. That system ceases to exist.

Their laws and churches were created to enslave you. These are rituals and spells to remove you from your inheritance.

A note on church: They use churches to steal your higher energy. When you go to church, wear a cross or praise their god Jesus or say, Heavenly Father, you give them your energy. Remember everything is reversed.

Just think, if Satan is the Great Deceiver, yet everyone hates Satan, who is he deceiving? No One. That would mean the imagery and story has been corrupted. If they lied about who you really are, why would you expect them to tell you the Truth of the Christ? Every culture has a similar story, but it is an End Times prophecy. Elements of the story are correct but changed to suit those that came after your fall (sleep). Do not expect them to be righteous and show good faith. It is not their nature. They are simply waiting for you to fall back to sleep.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words!! Step Out Of Their System! The whole system shut-down because contracts are fraudulent and never spelled out its true intent. They Sat-down, Shut-down, Locked-down. Now It Is Time For Us To Stand Up and Reclaim What Is Rightfully Ours.

We cannot sit down for talks with these creatures. They will say anything to get you to give your Free Will to them. Then they will change those agreements to fit their needs…just so long as you sign on the dotted line. They need your consent. If you agree, (give your will) by being a part of their system. They do not own the land. They own the people (those who are indigenous to the land) through these agreements.

You cannot be used as pawns in their game, prisons, child services, if they do not have agreements, children’s agreements (Birth Certificates) school records, social security cards, etc…

When these Corporations acting as Nations (they all have DUNS Numbers) look around to see how many Citizens they have – there won’t be any more to play their game.

Think actively and act. Declare Self! Don’t let them continue doing that to you. Know what you are agreeing to when you accept their charity. This system was built to impoverish and divide us, to destroy us.

The ideology behind Protect and Serve has never been examined, nor investigated. Many citizens of Nations and States are under the impression they are protected and served by Law Enforcement. The truth is that has never been the case. You (an idiom for a State Citizen) have always been the product that is served to the corporations. This dehumanizing system has to lead to countless false arrests, set-ups by officers and citizens of the state, executions, and life imprisonment.

Yet, no one has investigated what happens to the people put into an unjust system. More importantly, no one has asked the question, “Where have all the people gone?”

Law Enforcement, the Judicial System, and Investors have been working hand in hand for Land grants. Ensuring the appropriate propaganda and legal methods are enforced by using community policing and media, an effective campaign for Land, Resources, and Displacement can be achieved.

Our men and women were straight, heterosexual. That is before they were tampered with. They have been arrested (kidnapp0ed) over and over, listed as repeat offenders and held for the adventures and recreational pleasures of a Kind-of-Man.

Private prison industries are modern-day concentration camps where wealthy investors can own, operate (experiment) and sell the biological material of inmates. Through Prisons, Jails, Mental Institutions, Social Service Programs like Food Stamps (WIC, EBT), Social Security, Housing, and Tax Filing enable States to assume the role of guardian and hold the land in Trust for its use and capital gains.

This land was home to many indigenous landowners. However, through colonization laws were created and enacted to reclassify these indigenous heirs as Negro, Colored, Black, and African-American. By the use of eminent domain and other State issued laws, governments could now usurp land under the guise of wardship. State governments and their subdivisions (city, county, municipality) use the Admiralty Law and their Court System to keep those progenitors in bondage and acquire usage to the land as their wards.

The prison industry is a very lucrative business and local governments have no intention of stopping this Black Stock Market trade in Human Body Parts, Organ Harvesting, Sex Trafficking, Land Grants, and Natural Resources. As the former mayor Michael Bloomberg announced recently, to financially support “cities” that continue with the Paris Accord (Climate Change Agreement) despite their current administrations’ withdrawal from the agreement.

In the words of the current President of France, “People would stop eating sausages if they knew how they were made.”

A massive number of indigenous women, men, and children have gone missing.

The current situation and worldwide displacement of people all fleeing from the same interior violence, trafficking, and murder for body parts labeled “Gang Related” and “Suicide” can be traced back to the Stock Market, Investors, and Corporate Industry.

Addressing these criminal acts as War Crimes and listing the Indigenous People held captive in these institutions as Prisoners of War (POWs) stops this misrepresentation of the Judicial System, Business Investors and Corporate Giants who use their laws to secure Land Rights and the Biological Material of those Murdered, Kidnapped and held Prisoner in their institutions.

We Must Remove Ourselves From This System! Because of the gravity of the situation many people are fearful for their safety and are threatened with legal problems if they share what they know. We will be safer if we are not a part of this system.

We will discontinue carrying any form of so-called Government I.D. (identification). No library cards, no voter registration cards, no driver’s licenses, etc.. We will not accept any Postal Mail or Signature Required packages because they lock you into this artificial grid and makes one a participant in the system.

We will NOT Vote! Whether you vote (wish) for or against something, your act of voting means you agree to be used by this system. Voting is considered consent.

We will not go to their hospitals, take any anti-body pharmaceuticals, medications especially Vaccines.

The Stock Market is a major part of this corrupt system of capital gain from human trade, trafficking, and war. We end this system built off the deprivation of Indigenous People and the public at large. We Shut It Down Now!

Any and all non-indigenous people desiring to remain on our land will be allowed to stay. However, we, the Indigenous People, must and will restructure their function on our Land.

Decreed this 4th Day of July 2020

By: Indigenous Landowner, Indigenous American

©2020Sovereign Crown Cheryl Elaine Loftin Wooding

Cheryl Wooding read this Declaration on July 2nd on Truth UnComPromeyzed. Click the link to hear it. She starts at :25 minutes. We are drafting the Matriarchal Strategies. Many are willing to take this stand. Chieftess Sun Owl has 10,000 people in New Orleans who will make this Declaration, soon. We need to get data out to the populace.



Fighting Economic Disparity

This message was in my email, today. It outlines some solutions to the economic disparity experienced by people of color in the USA, during the pandemic.
Dear All People’s Day friends,
Wednesday night Elliott and I were on an NAACP call that included Nancy Pelosi and other congressional officials who are trying to help in this time of need.  We learned that people of color are the largest group impacted by the Coronavirus.  Many are the most exposed because their jobs are considered essential and they won’t get paid if they don’t go to work.  Jim Crow laws hadn’t allowed them to save funds for a rainy day and stay home plus many people of color have compromised health issues because of prejudice against them in the health system.  I have heard many stories about this neglect throughout the years but no one has amassed scientific data.  Thus, people of color have the highest death rate from the Coronavirus in the US.
In the spirit of All People’s Day inclusion, here is a way you can help them and everyone in this time of need.
  • Call Governor Ron DeSantis 1(850) 717-9337
  • Senator Marco Rubio (561) 775-3360
  • Senator Rick Scott (202) 224-5274
  • Congresswoman Lois Frankel (561) 998-9045
Ask them to support the following issues:
  1. Expand Medicaid throughout the country
  2. Since people of color have the highest death rate keep track of racial demographics about people with the virus so zip codes can pinpoint testing sites.  Also, make public transportation to the sites available.
  3. Increase the amount of Food Stamps.
  4. In the next cash infusion: a) Include small businesses owned by people of color that have not been able to get the stimulus loans because they cannot afford to use a bank that requires a certain balance. b) Other institutions like Credit Unions should be approved for distributing the money. c) 501c3 nonprofits and churches should be treated like small businesses for the loans. If 75% is given to workers the business loans are forgiven.
  5. Vote by mail for all states due to the Coronavirus
Susan Berkowitz-Schwartz
Founder / President of All People’s Day, Inc
(561) 495-9818
www.allpeoplesday.org (being updated)
Instagram: all_peoples_day

Standing Bear vs. Crook

1chiefstandingbear1 CHIEF STANDING BEAR, Ponca Tribe, Nebraska


By Uncited [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsIn the 1878 lawsuit, Standing Bear v. Crook, the U.S. attorney argued that Standing Bear was neither a citizen nor a person, and as such did not have the standing to sue the government. 

Chief Standing Bear was called to testify, becoming the first Native American to do so. He raised his right hand and, through an interpreter, said: “My hand is not the color of yours, but if I pierce it, I shall feel pain. If you pierce your hand, you also feel pain. The blood that will flow from mine will be the same color as yours. The same god made us both. I am a man.”

On April 30, 1879, Judge Dundy agreed, ruling for the first time in U.S. history that “the Indian is a ‘person’ ” and has all the rights and freedoms promised in the Constitution. The judge also ordered Crook to free Standing Bear and his people immediately. [https://history.nebraska.gov/collections/standing-bear-ca-1834-1908-rg1429am]

When did white people get the notion that other people were not persons because of the color of their skin? This idea enabled white people to take everything away from black and brown people.

It’s time for reparations on the behalf of all black and brown people robbed by these white crooks.

The Words We Speak

Critical listening and critical thinking are the key aspects of effective communication. That entails listening and thinking on a deeper level. Most people are thinking about what their response will be when engaged in a discussion, rather than focusing on what the speaker is saying.

talking thinkingEffective communication requires the listener to hear what the other person is saying before they respond. Interrupting the speaker cuts off the flow of thought. Therefore, people should avoid interrupting the speaker. The height of respect is to acknowledge the speaker, hear what the speaker is conveying, and then respond, once the speaker has concluded.

The hardest part of communication is to remain non-judgemental of the speaker and to acknowledge that there may be more than one perspective on a subject or issue. Few people are willing to accept the viewpoints of others without an argument. Although debating an issue is healthy, arguing from a specific viewpoint may not yield a healthy result. Words start wars. But most people use words unwisely, without thinking about the damage words can do. This is evident in relationships between couples, parents and children, friends and associates, and co-workers.


In today’s political arena, it is clear that people are not cognizant of the damage their words do in their communities and in the world. People are not taught about the power of words. They should learn to use them frugally, ethically, and for the highest good.

When our country’s leadership cares less about lying about their policies, actions, and private endeavors, we the people are in deep trouble because “Follow the leader” is in effect and young people pick up the bad habits of those in charge. This is evident not only in politics but in religion, education, and economics.

Lying is cheating at its lowest level. When young people learn that those in high places get away with cheating, stealing, and lying, they follow suit and the fabric of society suffers. Good people speaking well is a goal that more of us should aspire to.