Fake Truth

Here’s how it started on Facebook. I posted TikTok of a young man featuring a speech by Farrakhan about the Ashkenazi Jews. Then, this happened on Facebook:

Sun 11:31 AM Gail: I’m disappointed that you preferred to block me rather than hear me out.

You: You are attacking me. I will not stand for it. Period. I made a simple statement. If you have the answer post it. But do not attack me. I am not here to make you feel good about yourself.

Gail: I never attacked you. I attacked the video.

You: Nothing he said is untrue. The Jew-ish people are NOT the original Hebrews, who are in Ethiopia. This lie must not continue. Jew-ish people are Eastern Europeans who have colonized Palestine with the help of the British. If this is not the true history of this region, then what is the truth???

Gail: So, the Jews who were persecuted out of Aleppo, Cairo, and Tehran and are now the majority in Israel don’t exist? My ancestors who were persecuted in Eastern Europe for generations weren’t really Jewish? Follow our Diaspora, please. Yes, there are Ethiopian Jews. I support the work of We Were Not Lost, which is trying to repatriate the Igbo Jews and many others of Africa. This does not mean that Ashkenazi Jews aren’t real.

You: The European Jews demonized and mistreated the true Israelites. This inhumanity against any group must STOP! Most of HIS-STORY is lies and garbage perpetrated by Europeans who need the resources of Africa.

Gail: https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/victims-of-the-nazi-era-nazi-racial-ideology

Victims of the Nazi Era: Nazi Racial Ideology

You: France, Britain, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, and Italy have destroyed whole African countries for their greedy, needy selves. The truth is out and there’s no going back. We know it in The Americas, the Pacific, and everywhere indigenous people have been tormented by filthy, greedy Europeans.

Gail: Agreed. White Xian colonialism has been deadly for both Black and Jewish people.

You: And Hawaiians, Philippinos, every clan of people in the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. How long is this to be tolerated?

Gail: Maybe in our grandchildren’s lifetimes

You: It needs to STOP NOW. Without truth it cannot. People kill people because that is their nature. Period. I have no weapons. I have no desire or need to kill anyone. It is not in my nature.

Gail: https://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1040&context=humbiol_preprints


You: https://fb.watch/nHNeetsvO9

Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah El was live.

You: Listen to him. He studies it all. I don’t believe anything a European writes anymore.

Gail: I’m truly unclear why erasing my people, who have been persecuted and decimated by Europeans, is a good thing.

Sun 12:50 PM You: I don’t think it’s a good thing at all. It is not good to erase any group of people. YOUR PEOPLE are just the most vocal. They are not the only people who have been persecuted. That is a myth. For instance, my grandmother was Cherokee. Do you know the story of their annihilation? Do you care? Here’s data on the population of Jews in the world. Why are most in the U.S. and Israel? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-population-of-the-world

Jewish Population of the World

Sun 1:28 PM Gail: Caring about my people doesn’t mean that I’m unaware or uncaring about the persecution and genocides against other people. How did you jump to that conclusion? And yes, we are vocal when babies are beheaded, old people are taken hostage and kids are gunned down at a music festival.

You: Yes, that is recent. Native Americans are still reeling from this type of activity right here in America. Please stop. I don’t care about any other groups’ torment. I’m still working on finding my own ancestors right here. Go fix Israel, yourself. If the Jews are mostly here, what’s your beef?

Palestine belongs to Palestinians, not Jews. That is so clear to me, why isn’t it clear to you and other Jews? Jews own New York and Hollywood. I guess that’s not enough. Jews marginalized Palestinians in their own land and that’s supposed to be OK? Nope, it is not, and we will not stop being vocal about that. Why didn’t Germany give the Jews a part of Germany or France or Britain or Spain or Italy or Turkey, etc. etc. etc. Nooooooooooooo, they had to carve out land inhabited by Arabs. There are always consequences. But people don’t want to face those. They bit the hand of the Palestinians and now they are reaping what they sowed. That’s the way most of the rest of us see it. Trust me, Euro-Americans are in fear of that happening to them here, too.

‘License To DESTROY IT ALL’? State Dept. Memo Says NO Gaza ‘De-Escalation’ Talk | Roland Martin

Gail: You are too far gone to see that we have a common enemy. You are punching across, rather than up. Have a good life.

You: Here’s another discussion about it. But it’s men of color, so their accounts don’t count, right?

Too far gone to believe the hype anymore. Nothing Europeans have to say resounds with truth.

Gail: You seem to believe that everyone has rights except a specific group that has been demonized and persecuted for centuries. Okay.


Antisemitism: how the origins of history’s oldest hatred still hold sway today

Sun 2:01 PM You:

Learn your history kids

You: I do not agree that any group should be demonized or persecuted. That’s your opinion, not mine.

The first paragraph of your article points to this activity from Europeans. That is all I have been saying. “Antisemitism is on the march. From the far-right demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia, with their “Blood and Soil” chants and their “Jews will not replace us” placards to attacks on synagogues in Sweden, arson attacks on kosher restaurants in France and a spike in hate crimes against Jews in the UK. Antisemitism seems to have been given a new lease of life.”

Me: In my opinion, Jewish people are always on the defensive to the detriment of everyone around them. Why is that?

Dear Jewish Friends,

Please do not question me, demonize me, or criminalize me because I do not have the answers to the Jew-Arab conflict. I have never been to Israel, nor have I been to the so-called Middle East, which is really the northeastern tip of the African continent colonized by Europeans. If you know the answers, post them. However, understand that “Though this region is steeped in ancient history of the oldest civilizations, the term Middle East is a relatively new invention, originally conceived in the late nineteenth century by British imperialists to denote an area between the Near East (the Balkans and the Ottoman Empire) and the Far East (countries of eastern Asia such as China, Japan, and Korea).

Of course, the description of areas as ‘near’ or ‘far’ to the east is entirely in reference to Europe and the West. Interestingly, the modern Arabic endonym to describe the region matches the Eurocentric term ‘Middle East’; the term in Arabic is الشرق الاوسط (al-Sharq al-Awsat), which literally means the Middle East. In English, some people also use the term Near East synonymously with Middle East.” [Source]

In response to a text from a Jewish woman with whom I have been associated for several years, I wrote:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

She said: There is only one truth.

I said: And that is . . .

She said: And then fake truth to further the agenda of whoever is rewriting it.

I said: It’s all fake. It’s belief.

This is what she texted to me in the beginning of this conversation:

For those who were not taught history in school. Surely, you have acquaintances and friends who ask questions. You can send them this post 😉

  • Before Israel, there was a British Mandate, not a Palestinian State.
  • Before the British Mandate the Ottoman Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Mamlyuk Islamic State of Egypt, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Islamic State of Mamlyuk of Egypt, the Empire of Ayubid existed, not the Palestinian State. Goffrey IV of Bulonsky, known as Godfrey de Bouillon, conquered Jerusalem in 1099
  • Before the Empire of Ayubid, there existed the French and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the empires of Omeyad and Fatimid, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Roman Empire, the Hasmonees State existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Hasmoneysk state, it was the Selevkid state, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before the Selevkid Empire, the Empire of Alexander of Macedonia existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Empire of Alexander the Macedonian, there was the Persian Empire, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Persian Empire, the Babylon Empire existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Babylon Empire, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judea, the Kingdom of Israel existed, not the Palestinian State.
  • Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was a theocracy of the twelve knees of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
  • Before theocracy of the twelve generations of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaan cities-state, not the Palestinian state.

In fact, this piece of earth was everything EXCEPT THE PALESTINE STATE.

I reiterate here:

It’s such a shame on mankind and humanity that there are any separations in the human race. History shows that people cannot coexist without conflict due to the need and greed for power and wealth at the expense of whole families, no matter what they label their states. I’m disappointed in the entire travesty. No history lesson shows that people can get along. Keep your truth. I’ll keep mine. People are shameful and godless, killing and tormenting each other all in the name of their god.

This is my opinion, my belief, and my truth:

Reminder: NO GOOD GOD WOULD CHOOSE ONE CHILD OVER ANOTHER! All history is myth written by the violent destroyers of others. Only when there is love for one another can there be peace. As long as men need to feel superior over others – men, women, and children, there will be resistance that translates into terrorism. However, the real terrorists are men who impose their ideology on others. Do you understand that???
